
What is Marzipan for you?

  • Root Of All Evil

    Votes: 14 53.8%
  • Breakfast Of Champions

    Votes: 4 15.4%
  • A Scottish Whiskey

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • Brother Of Peter Pan

    Votes: 7 26.9%

  • Total voters
Damn, how "uncultured" are ya!!!
I suppose you haven't seen that Marzipan ends with "pan" that leads unconfussionally to have some relation to Peter Pan!
But as VultureCulture is still a dumbass he didn't thought that Marzi stood for Marzia. Thus Marzipan is not the brother of peterpan but his sister!!!!
I don't know who else voted to the right answer, but I greet him as it seems we are the only ones who have a clear mind....
so, where am I????
stupid stupid stupid stupid!
Ye all are dead dead dead dead wrong here! :bah:
marzipan is nothing but a MARvellous ZIP on your PANts :headbang:
Well, since none of the alternatives above prove correct I've taken the liberty to post an interpretation of my own.


The first piece "Mar" clearly stands for the roman word Mare that means sea.

The second piece "zip" is not that hard to figure out, it's a zip-drive.

and the last piece "an" is definite article. Attached as a suffix.

So freely interpreted it would mean "the zip-drive sea" which we all know is located somewhere between the Isle of whight and the mainland.

So now you all know...
Ok,I admit it.... Marzipan it's the root of all Evil and the King of Sweets *yummy*

Brother of Peter pan??? hahah

2 days left until a bit of this white substances melts in my mouth
It's some kind of sweet.....a substance made from sugar,eggs and crushed almonds.... Usually it comes in the form of chocolate bar or candy... i mean it's chocolate outside and marzipan inside.... It is also used in cakes or you just can buy it with no chocolate outside.....blah blah
There is also MarzipanPralinen,whose marzipan has rum taste,orange taste,cherry etc
Usually people from nothern countries eat such stuff,but we also have some kind of marzipan here in Greece (which isn't so yummy btw)....
Doesn't it sound yummy????? :D
It looks like some kind of "liquid" version of Spanish mazapán.
but well, one day, when I go to ehmmm snowy Sweden I'll ask for marzipan just to know how it tastes :)