Master of Reality appreciation


edit: Fine, how about Atavism? Or The Gathering Wilderness? Crush the Insects?

I did laugh. Notice the ---> :lol: in my post? :cool:

And, you are DEAD wrong. None of those bands would be around if it wasnt for Sabbath. What Sabbath did, in their time, is just astounding. And it's STILL fresh to this very day!! It's all relative to the times as well. If you told Scalzi, Nemtheanga, or any of the RB trio that, they would laugh their ass off at you. :loco:
You guys are misunderstanding. I like Sabbath. They were what got me into heavy metal. I've just heard their albums a million times each and am tired of them and have moved on to what I think is better. Or at least what's certainly fresher and more exciting to me right now.