Soooo, we went to see Masterplan tonight....
It was quit a good show, but the soundman should be killed;
too little guitar, too much bassdrums. Also the songs were
also performed more "commercial" than when I saw them last year.
Maybe had to do with the guitar faded away too much...
The atmosphere between bandmembers seemed very fine, so
no bad faces for Jorn leaving the band. they were joking
and even were improvising a little while and ended up playing
a little piece of "Smoke on the Water" !! Jorn's voice was very
good, damn, he makes singing look so easy ! The show was filmed
from several angles, it should be available on DVD in a while I think.
Sound from the soundboard probably will be alot better ....
Damn, I lost my sweater somewhere....Haaaaaawkkkkkkk !!!!!!!!