
Nitronium Blood said:
They sound like drunken oafs to me.*

*From the clips

Shut up. Next time you state an opinion, don't inform us that it was based off amazon clips or we'll fucking lynch you.
Definitely getting their new CD in January, which is actually some of their old shit, the stuff they recorded before the Lifesblood EP, if it's as insane and heavy as the EP, it will definitely be worth it.
I fucking love Mastodon! I saw them live, and holy shit, they are fucking amazing. So much energy, there was a huge mosh pit going and the one I went with and me were headbanging as hard as possible the whole way through!
naboo said:
Their songs sound AMAZING live and they have the most energy I've ever seen in a live band beside Iron Maiden.
Interesting. I saw them earlier this year after hearing their albums and being quite impressed; however I felt that live they weren't nearly as good.