Matisyahu ... Hasidic Reggae


Active Member
Sep 27, 2002
I saw this guy last night in mid sleep on some late night show. The guy looks like a regular Hasidic Jew from the streets of Brooklyn, the whole outfit and all. Looked and sounded weird at first and the crowd had this :Smug: :yuk: :hypno: lok on their faces ... but halway into the song the crowds expression turned into :OMG: :rock:

This fucker jammed like a mofo ... have not seen or heard anything like this before, especially from someone dressed like he is goign to the synagogue.
Check out his site, i think there are some samples there:
I haven't gone to the website yet, first I want to write a movie script about Rastajudaism before it gets bastardized by outside input. :loco:
Hey I don't want some dredlocked Jew up my alley! :loco:

Hmm, streaming audio. That's a big no-no at work, I'll have to check this out later.