Matt's custom Jackson guitar

yeah a bit like the one hetfield has there, except mine blah blah bdvlkabnsv;lmvkfkfkfffff

the RR24 is REALLY nice, sounds and feels great, wouldnt mind swapping the EMG for a blackout though. but havent got time to order one in for the tour.... the EMG will have to do for now. its white with black bevels by the way, black binding (lovely|!!!!) ill put some pics up tomorrow if i get chance...
Yes, but you were complaining about frets a minute ago, then when I said that there's no hard in having more frets you suddenly start complaining about pickups.
ok, he's geting an rr24, which has 24 frets, but only 1 pickup. so i would think that the only reason to get one is that you frequently use 24 frets, and rarely use the neck pickup. matt rarely solos, so it seemed that he was giving up a pickup for a feature that he will never use.
how about i settle this... i didn't choose anything.

Jackson asked if i would like to try the RR24 and i said yes, that's it. so i'm trying it, and so far it's pretty damn nice.

DAMN! I wish Jackson would call me up and say "hey, do you want us to send you a new KE2? blue quilted maple? Reverse headstock? no problem."