Matt's custom Jackson guitar

I prefer the pub. You don't tell anyone any of your problems until you've had three to four pints, at which point you tell everyone all of your problems :D
Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked.

Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they want to hear them

When in another’s lair, show him respect or else do not go there

If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat him cruelly and without mercy

Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal

Do not take that which does not belong to you unless it is a burden to the other person and he cries out to be relieved

Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained

Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself

Do not harm little children

Do not kill non-human animals unless you are attacked or for your food

When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him

LaVeyan Satanism is funny.
in a few ways satanism makes a 'hell' of a lot more sense than other organised religions.

"Satanists do not believe in the supernatural, in neither God nor the Devil. To the Satanist, he is his own God. Satan is a symbol of Man living as his prideful, carnal nature dictates. The reality behind Satan is simply the dark evolutionary force of entropy that permeates all of nature and provides the drive for survival and propagation inherent in all living things. Satan is not a conscious entity to be worshipped, rather a reservoir of power inside each human to be tapped at will. Thus any concept of sacrifice is rejected as a Christian aberration—in Satanism there’s no deity to which one can sacrifice"

that speaks more to me than christianity, it isnt about believing in a person who may or may not exist, it's about belief in oneself. fundamentally that speaks to me way more than anything else, it could probably get a bit silly but there are parts of satanism which make sense.

oh and don't give up on the guitar, just be patient til next year. the RR24 is main guitar now, its a beaut.
It looks rather beautiful but I want the custom! nooooaaaaaw.

Last point about religion (in this thread, haha) I don't find myself willing to put belief in something based on the teachings from stories in a book of all things, if I don't even have belief in myself haha.
in a few ways satanism makes a 'hell' of a lot more sense than other organised religions.

"Satanists do not believe in the supernatural, in neither God nor the Devil. To the Satanist, he is his own God. Satan is a symbol of Man living as his prideful, carnal nature dictates. The reality behind Satan is simply the dark evolutionary force of entropy that permeates all of nature and provides the drive for survival and propagation inherent in all living things. Satan is not a conscious entity to be worshipped, rather a reservoir of power inside each human to be tapped at will. Thus any concept of sacrifice is rejected as a Christian aberration—in Satanism there’s no deity to which one can sacrifice"

that speaks more to me than christianity, it isnt about believing in a person who may or may not exist, it's about belief in oneself. fundamentally that speaks to me way more than anything else, it could probably get a bit silly but there are parts of satanism which make sense.

oh and don't give up on the guitar, just be patient til next year. the RR24 is main guitar now, its a beaut.

Speaking as a christian, that sounds great. I crave that to be true and to live by it perfectly. yet that is why I, reject it. It appeals to my selfish depraved and corrupt nature, that wants to take a man and make him God. I am not almighty, and I am not good. How then, can I be God?
This is the last I'll say about religion in here:
As a Deist I see the merits of all religions, Satanism included, however I will tend to lean more towards the more "holy" spiritual beliefs in that there is an afterlife, and that there is a supreme being. Satanists are right in that the sins mentioned in the bible are a part of human nature, but I want to be better, or at least strive to be better than my own earthly nature.

Back on topic:
Matt it shouldn't have taken this long for your guitar anyway, I'm sure you could have made it in a fraction of the time, I mean it's not like you asked for some crazy renaissance style design on your guitar, or some crazy Hetfieldian style inlays...
Pastafarianism FTW motherfuckers!

Second choice would be the Church of Sub-Genius. Can't argue with anyone who makes Bill Hicks a saint.