Maudlin of the Well - The Ferryman

Like, do they fuck up or is it just a bad mix or what? I've seen them and they played everything tight. My problem would just be the balance of the levels with all the channel switching and layering that they do.
I've seen them twice, and they were great the first time, with only one small problem with Tobias' mike during, ah, Gleam in Ranks I think? (apparently, the club in NJ ran out of mikes because MotW had so many members on stage, which may have contributed to it...)

The second time, they played well also, but the sound was not so good. The venue had not-so-good acoustics and the PAs broke a couple of bands before MotW, so they had to turn their monitors around to face the audience for sound, meaning they couldn't hear themselves. Honestly, in the face of that, Maudlin (and the other bands that played that night...Dysrhythmia, thoughtstream, and one other whose name escapes me at the moment) did awfully well.

I've heard they've had problems with one or two of the Metalfests similar to what other bands have said: the band before them would run long, the crowd would be furious to hear anything other than death-vox, double-bass, and devastating guitars, etc. Those things work themselves out over time, I guess, though.