Maudlin of the Well

I have never understood their draw. I saw them years ago (possibly a decade now?) at the Milwaukee Metalfest when they were first starting out. The were awful. One of the worst things I have ever this day. I suppose that jaded me, but I have recently listened to some of these reissues...and I still don't get it. I just can't get into them at all.
'Bath'/'LYBM' was my #1 album on my list in whatever year they came out (which I think was also the last year I made such a list!), and they're still brilliant. They just have this very specific atmosphere that I can't even describe and have never heard anywhere else. The debut is great too, especially "Blight of River Systems" which closes with my favorite guitar solo evar.

I saw 'em at the Milwaukee Metalfest too (twice!) and loved 'em. Especially the time that they actually played the danceable, non-metal "Blight..." which is a guaranteed way to get a collective "WTF?" from the Metalfest crowd, just in case their other stuff hadn't already driven the whole crowd away!

Oh yeah, and add me to the flood of people then let down by Kayo Dot.

Really I haven't given the motW albums a good listen in probably years, but that's not to hold anything against their impeccable quality... they just haven't come to mind in quite a while.

On the other hand, I will counter the opposition and say that I listen to both Kayo Dot releases (never heard the split LP) fairly regularly and they are stunning, 10/10, gaymazing, A+++ , etc. and I hold them in even higher regard than the motW stuffs.

edit: I realized years is an overstatement, I most likely put the CDs away around the time that lizard died, I tie the two closely together since he was constantly talkative of them.
I'm still as impressed by both albums as I was when I was simultaneously befuddled and enthralled by them back in 2001, to the point where I cannot get myself to rank the KD albums above them (not to mention getting an urge to listen to both in one sitting again), and I unconditionally love those as well...Toby's solo album, while undeniably creepy at times, is the only thing from that camp I haven't fully embraced...
I never much cared for My Fruit Psychobells but I never sat there for a real serious listen I don't think.

Part The Second is unbelievably good. It took awhile to warm up to, but man, once it hit? Wow.

I will always love Bath and Leaving Your Body Map. Such a great time in my life to experience that kind of awesome.

Never saw them live, but the first time I saw Kayo Dot remains one of the best shows of my entire life.
I always say if anyone is interested in discovering this band, the song to start with is:

It's a good summary of what they are all about, although listening to this along with the entire double-album is even better of course.

I gave up on Kayo Dot a long time ago. :( Yes that makes me sad because I still adore that first album. Should go on a rediscovery mission some day...
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