May 25: Roman Materia Tour

So Novembre didn't play 'Conservatory Resonance' as a friend of mine who was there told me. It sounded strange in fact, 'coz they never played that one alive as far as I remember.
Cool live report Worn, tks. I hope to post it soon into English on my fansite.
And yeah, it's a real pity - as usual - that Novembre didn't play any songs from 'Arte Novecento'. Sometimes in the past they were used to play at least 'Homecoming', but lately they didn't include neither this one. So I'm gonna listen 'Arte Novecento' min. 3 times tomorrow :worship:
Here I am once again :heh:

I've just posted on my fansite the live report of Worn, as well as the English translation. Pls, have a look. There's a link right in the last news. Tks! Hope I didn't make too many mistakes :P ... and thanx Worn!

@ Worn - ti stresso, lo so...
I just wanted to ask you if Novembre played 'EVERASIA' entirely or not...