Maybe a good idea?


New Metal Member
Feb 4, 2007
i don't know if this has been suggested before, but does anybody else think that it would be pretty cool to have a violin in a song, and not synthisized a real violin. im probably going to get bashed for this
violin would be a nice addition actually. they already used flutes in one song, some synth could be cool as well.
violin: I'm game, but only if it still sounds 70's proggy like Opeth and not like Tristania/Sirenia/3rd and the Mortal etc (I like those bands but I don't want Opeth to sound like them).

cello: would be a great element to play with. there's a USBM project called Azrael that uses cello below the guitars for a grinding, unsettling effect. really cool.

sax: actually there is a black metal band using sax, they're called Oblomov and they're from the Czech Republic. it's only used in small doses, as solos, and it's pretty weird. surprisingly, it works. check out "Lost in Emotions" or "Starsend" off the album Mighty Cosmic Dances.

I wouldn't mind hearing some more types of acoustic instruments for the softer sections, maybe taking cues from the dark country/Civil War sound of 16 Horsepower? I know Peter Lindgren likes that band.

np: Floyd - Animals
^right, Per can get those scary organ sounds; Mike can learn piano; Peter can learn sax, and Mendez is entirely optional. erk