New Opeth Album (#8)


New Metal Member
Jun 25, 2004
United States
Hey. First of all, I'd like to note that Opeth is indeed using church organ, like I had suggested in an earlier post. Or else.

Some questions I want people to answer, what's your opinions, doods...?

1. Will Opeth use the Keyboards? Orchestra Hits, bodom style? Symphonic-dimmu-borgir-opeths??

A: I think they might use the keyboards, but not so thickly as other bands... maybe sad-sounding strings sometimes during the chorus or something. Some lead violin on maybe like one song would be cool, a medieval-like violin lead... yeah....

2. Words in the name of the album - What do you think could possibly be a word Opeth will use in the album title?

A: If you take away the words dirge, lament, death... Opeth might not be able to make another title! It'll probably end up being "The Fluffy Bunny Demise" or something. Oh wait, Opeth isn't allowed to use demise. *slaps* "The Fluffy Bunny Suicides"

3. Style? Will it be more like Orchid, Still Life, or Deliverance?

A: I think it might be a mix of these.... Dunno. :wave:
They'll probably use some sort of string sounds to further the depth and ambience of the tracks. Possibly a few creamy lead keyboard effect parts...

This is doubtful but hell I can hope... use of those simple waveform oscillator sounds from the 70's (saw, square, sine), mini-moog style :). I would love to hear those sounds being used for lead like how Dan Swano used them for Moontower.

I think at the very most though that the keyboards will be as prominent as they were in Damnation. Opeth don't seem like the type of band who'd put cheesy orchestra hits all over the place, but hey... stranger things have happened.
Yeah, keep in mind that it's real likely (almost definite, from what I've heard) that they'll add Per as a permanent band member. I think there will be tons of keys on the new album.
Yeah, if nothing else they will have dark stuff like bells, church organs and timpani.. =P
I was just wondering your opinions.. I know Opeth of Bodom would be fucked up! I hope it doesn't happen. x_x But if it does, I'm sure they would make it work out... maybe...
I just hope they stick to the guitar stuff. If they use anything else, hopefully it will only be here and there.
murderedbysound said:
with Steve Wilson producing it...

Who's Steven Wilson? said:
The recording will be overseen by the uprising recording mogul Jens Bogren. As of today no names for production duties have surfaced and it looks like the next record will be a band produced effort. Nothing has been decided regarding who's taking care of the mix either so we'll have to keep you wondering.
i really dont think theyre going to do any children of bodom or dimmu borgir styled keys.

A. its not Opeth's style
B. its not going to fit the music, regardless how different their sound is now...
C. if im not mistaken, mikael has openly expressed his distaste for that style of thing in metal and other forms of music in interviews and such before...

i would however, bet that youre going to hear some hammond, perhaps some more mellotron, or actual cello or violin orchestration maybe in parts (if not both) well as just an overall added dimention of atmosphere and melody through keys which opeth never really had before and regardless of the specific keyboards used.

edit: i would like to say that ive always enjoyed every element theyve used up till now, and thought theyve always done things tastefully and with much meditation...ive never been disatisfied...i dont think i will be now either.
I wouldn't mind hearing keys like in damnation. Bodom style keys just don't fit Opeth's musical style, it would sound too weird and cheesy. I'd rather here smooth atmospheric pads over some of the songs they do.
haggard said:
Yeah, keep in mind that it's real likely (almost definite, from what I've heard) that they'll add Per as a permanent band member. I think there will be tons of keys on the new album.
Per is a permanent band member, check the faq :Spin:
NineFeetUnderground said:
i would like to say that ive always enjoyed every element theyve used up till now, and thought theyve always done things tastefully and with much meditation...ive never been disatisfied...i dont think i will be now either.
I think they will continue to use keys, which is cool, because they have always made them sound organic and not over the top (Dream Theater, the entire Yes catalog, etc.).

I wouldn't mind, although this isn't Wilson's style, if they incorporated some Dark Tranquility style loops and synthesized (almost Skinny Puppy-ish) sounds into the mix. Not organic, but it might be a cool addition to have songs in this style with the analog / Mellotron keys of Damnation.
Yeah, seems like SW will have little to do with this record, its up to the "up and comer" Jens. Anyhow, I would REALLY like to hear some reed organ, I just love the sound of it. They could definitely pull off church organ, but I don't know if i want to be reminded of church when i hear opeth :-/ I went back and watched Lamentations, and realized I'm a jackass and Per has some sweet parts in it. oh well, either way the new album will most likely have badass keyboards on it.