MAYH has such a strange appeal to it...

shivering corpse

Ty Cobbb
Sep 20, 2002
It's obviously full of great songs, but I can't really say exactly what makes it so great.
I guess it's just because it seems like it's just soaked in emotion.
I mean, Mikael really sounds like he's extremely depressed and in pain in Credence and When.
I guess it's also how it's actually heavy as shit so much of the time, and then all the sudden is truly beautiful...a very appropriate word to describe it...(see demon of the fall...)
Maybe with the exception of When, I don't think there's just an absolute just flows seamlessly and makes me feel a certain way when I hear it.
Strangely, it's not even my favorite Opeth album.
'Demon of the Fall' is unsurpassable!!!!!
'When' is a close second.

I'd like to know more about the writing process for My Arms Your Hearse. Wasn't the band planning to release a dvd with behind the scenes footage a while back?
It has this dark forresty (not a word, I know) death feel to it. Not in a cheesy evil way, but in a really emotional way.

It's still my favourite Opeth album.
Karma is great! I love the acoustic/clean electric lead melody that breaks in something like a minute and a half, two minutes into it... and then the last riff that acts as the denoument of the album and fades to Epilogue...

Oh, and yeah, MAYH is like the meat and potatoes of Opeth's catalogue. It doesn't seem the flashiest or sweetest at first but it has so much substance and an unparalelled, unique atmosphere. Years later it's still my favourite album.
I agree that Karma is great. What about the part where there's a clean "aaahhhhhh-ahhhhhhhhh" followed by a growled "aaaarrrrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhh". You know what I mean. ;) And the fast ending riff is my favourite from the whole album :headbang:.

MAYH is the only Opeth album where I can't pick a favourite song, just because it's so good as a whole, and it flows so well together. It's not my favourite either, but what the hey.
rustymtal nailed it. The part of Karma that he is talking about...followed by...

"I have gone away. The bed is cold and empty." ~ If one cannot hear the pain and sadness in voice and the excellent riff behind it, and not know this is one of Opeth's best moments, then I truly do not know what to say.

MAYH is their masterpiece. Not one weak song, all are strong.
MAYH has this very special atmosphere.
The moment when When ends and Madrigal fades in has to be one of the greatest moments in music ever... And the "darkness" of Demon Of The Fall is just amazing....

Btw I think Deliverance is closer to MAYH than any other Opeth album.
I'm at a toss-up between MAYH and SL for the best.

MAYH was my fave for so long, starting with April Ethereal as the best song. (I bought the album before ever hearing MP3's, so that may explain it...). Over time, I would move on from one song to another, with each beacoming my favorite off the album, though in no particular order.

The day SL came out, I picked it up, but had a lot of trouble getting into it. Even like 3-4 mnths later, I was still going through my MAYH phase of having the MAYH songs replace each other as being the best song I had ever heard.

That summer my high school computer teacher sent me off To PEI to do a presentation at the University in Charlottetown(SP?). The only other people who were there to do presentations (on crime prevention) were about 30+, while I was 19. So I spent my entire time there in my room by myself. Luckily, I brought SL along with me, and happened to find Camel's "Nude" at a used CD store that was nearby. I listened to those endlessly, and the magic finally caught on (for both, in the span of the week I was there).

So SL caught on, and months later, Karma caught on as My Fave tune ever. So MAYH made was still dwelling on me even long after SL was released.

SL has been more than fully absorbed at this point, though I'm sure it has been listened to less times than MAYH. So SL seems somewhat more exciting due to it's relative newness, though I am sure I have gotten infintely more excitement from MAYH, when all is said and done.

So MAYH it is, despite the fact that I still can't belive an album as brilliant as SL was ever concieved.....
Originally posted by Nephrenka
With the exception of When?

Karma is by far Opeth's worst IMO, When is excellent.

He probably meant: ".. I don't think there's an absolute standout, maybe with the exception of When, which is (an absolute standout)"

"When" is my favourite Opeth track and MAYH is my favourite album and the album that got me into Opeth, and a lot of other groups as well. It's just so special..