mcDonalds or Burger King

which is worst

  • maccys

    Votes: 8 34.8%
  • bk

    Votes: 8 34.8%
  • wendys (dont have em in the uk...thank god no fingers in chili)

    Votes: 7 30.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
it's a good thing i almost never get hangover beause there isn't shit around here to cut hangover. in the south they got whataburger which is better than any fastfood out there. wafflehouse is the ultimate though. so much greese, cures anything that coud possibly ail ya.
If I am going to get a burger, i prefer the fish and chip shop burgers - taste so much better than Maccas/HJ's (Burger King), especially those that make their own meats patties !!!!

They just seem a little less processed for the most part..........
I think Maccas is the worst as they specifically target children, and everyone else has followed suit. The former CEO Charlie Bell died of colorectal cancer at the age of 44!!!
In the past he claimed he ate a Macca's product every day!!!! Do you want a growth on your ass with that?

They have a McDonalds eat fresh/ salads theme here in Australia, and do alot of charity work but they don't get my money. I read Fast Food nation - Eric Schlosser, really really scary stuff! Especially the chapter re. the abbatoir town in Colarado (sorry can't recall the name),and the conditions of meat process workers.

If I have a crap craving I'll eat a two handed hamburger, but prefer a kebab after a gig.
Most things are home made icecream, cakes, curries, kebabs etc even mince our own meat, as we try to avoid food additives, colours etc. ( yeah, I am a chef )

Its weird, most people are more passionate about what runs through their car, than the crap they put in their mouth. There is often more nutritional value in the family dog food than the processed crap marketed to people.But then you can't make alot of money outta happy healthy smart people....

Yeah this thread hits a nerve with me, and I will now climb off the soap box, thank you!
nafnikufesin said:
I haven't eaten fast food besides subs since watching Supersize Me eight months ago (which is something, because up until then, I ate it at least once a week).

I'll never understand why so many people say that. Did it really take that bullshit movie for so many people to understand that eathing nothing but fried food, white bread, and cheese for a month is bad for you? THAT is suppose to be eye opening?
I know I eat food at home that's probably much more fattening then any of the shit you'd get a fast food joint and I'm not the least bit overweight and consider myself to be in pretty good shape. Why? Because I eat plenty of whole grains and raw veggies to go along with the other stuff and most imporntantly I GET SOME FUCKING EXERCISE.
It just drives me insane when I hear of all these people rip apart the fast food industry because some douchebag made a movie about eating the most unhealthy shit on the menu for a month while at the same time getting little exercise and it almost killed him. Hell I should make a movie about me sitting on my ass for a month eating nothing but lettuce and then start some bogus crusade against the produce industry. It seriously makes about as much sence.
Both are crap, BK I will eat occasionally though, have one right across the street, McDonalds, NEVER!!!! Wendy's would be my pick out of the three. Taco Bell is pure crap as well. The company I work for makes printers, my brother used to be a service tech for us. He had to repair a printer at the company that distributes the meat to McD's, BK, Wendy's, and TAco Bell. He told my brother that Wendy's uses the best grade out of them all, while Taco Bell uses a Grade F, yes F, meat. That is as low as you can go. He told my bro. under no circumstances should you ever eat Taco Bell, it is the worse crap for you, and being that Taco Bell, McDonalds, and Pizza Hut are all owned by the same company, I stay away from all 3. If I get a craving for something fast, I will generally go to Culvers or Portillos. Portillos is good shit, but expensive, and only here in the Chicago area.
KY_Fried442 said:
I'll never understand why so many people say that. Did it really take that bullshit movie for so many people to understand that eathing nothing but fried food, white bread, and cheese for a month is bad for you? THAT is suppose to be eye opening?
I know I eat food at home that's probably much more fattening then any of the shit you'd get a fast food joint and I'm not the least bit overweight and consider myself to be in pretty good shape. Why? Because I eat plenty of whole grains and raw veggies to go along with the other stuff and most imporntantly I GET SOME FUCKING EXERCISE.
It just drives me insane when I hear of all these people rip apart the fast food industry because some douchebag made a movie about eating the most unhealthy shit on the menu for a month while at the same time getting little exercise and it almost killed him. Hell I should make a movie about me sitting on my ass for a month eating nothing but lettuce and then start some bogus crusade against the produce industry. It seriously makes about as much sence.

The guy used an extreme measure to get his point across. Mainstream America is stupid (as evidenced by Dubya), so the guy had to go to extremes. What is so bad about that. His film has changed peoples lives for the better! I distributed it to all of the science/health teachers in my district, and they screened it for all of their students, and as a result (the lunnch ladies HATE me) fries and pizza sales are in the gutter, and fruit, salads, and yogurt sales are off the hook. That film has the potential to save an entire generation from obesity and diabetes.
powerwolve said:
when i am the us i prefer wendys, in germany bk (because there are no wendys)
at all i prefer a self made burger from thje bbq
Yeah, in the summer, I like to get a package of ground lean, or ground bison, and experiment with assorted spices and sauces. No two burgers are ever the same at ZBQ.
Never seen that piece of shit movie "Supersize Me".The idea of the movie has got to be the fucking stupidest premise for a movie.

No thanks, I would rather sit on my ass and drink for an hour and a half.
In case u havent seen: The guy that made that movie has a TV series coming out that experiments with "situations" at 30 day increments. For example, living on minimum wage for 30 days, in jail for thirty days, some high maintenance exercise program for 30 days etc. I think he should have to go on tour with "someone" for 30 days.
Bass Fellow said:
In case u havent seen: The guy that made that movie has a TV series coming out that experiments with "situations" at 30 day increments. For example, living on minimum wage for 30 days, in jail for thirty days, some high maintenance exercise program for 30 days etc. I think he should have to go on tour with "someone" for 30 days.
That's actually one of the better "reality" tv shows I've heard of.
i worked at a McD's for a couple weeks, the oe i worked at was clean and sanitary and all and the food was done right, but that shit is still very bad for you, soda is also bad, if you dont eat fast food or drink soda you'll prolly live 20 years longer than people who do alot.