me and my crazy compulsive thoughts


Aug 2, 2002
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these thoughts are some that plague me. sometimes to the point of debilitation. it's fun! try it sometime:

1. my apartment will catch on fire and freddy will die of smoke inhalation and i won't be there to save him.

2. i will starve myself to death. i'll know i'm doing it, and i'll want to stop, but i won't be able to.

3. someone will hurt my parents. total reoccuring horrible thought.

4. someone will come up behind me when i'm painting. (outdoors)

5. someone will kidnap one of the wandering unsupervised children in my building. i constantly think of reasons to go outside and account for them and then i go back in.

6. i'll find a client who's hanged themselves when i do a home visit.

i'll post more as they compulsively grip and terrify me throughout the day.
i'm never really concerned about being murdered or dying in a fire or anything. like, whatever, i kind of want to see what the afterlife is actually like anyway. i just get worried sick about my family and friends.
also, these thoughts aren't fleeting. they're fairly grotesque and detailed and i cannot get them out of my head. the same thing happens to my dad. i have vivid memories of his tearing up the stairs into my bedroom when i was like, 4 or 5 and grabbing me out of bed and checking if i was alive.
those are of course, the most untouchable kinds of fears.

to be honest i used to have those. the parents thing. not just dying but unspeakable stuff.

also, the thought of a younger sibling forced to find food for themself if there was something like a nuclear war or a plague and they survived, wandering out at my parent's house in the snow, etc. terrible.

then they went away. i don't know why.
mine come and go. right now i have this overwhelming fear (i'm sure nix will understand why here....) that a serial killer will go to my parents house and really really hurting my mom when my dad is away. i am always very scared for my mom. alllllll the time. she's so little and innocent.
i have no idea why that lobster thing is in this thread. it's gross though.

today i keep having this idea that i will shoot myself without realizing it. how that's possible i dunno. but it's just this weird fear i have. like woops! BANG! OOPS.