media markt & metal commercialism

today i ate "parisare" for dinner it is like a hamburger but with a big slice of something like "falukorv" instead of beef


also it had some horse meat in it so there you go doomcifer, i eat horsies
the "eating horses is wrong" taboo is medieval judeo-christian hocus pocus nonsense, the horse was important in our old religion and we ate horse meat at certain holy days so naturally they felt the need to suppress that like everything else, but two thousand years later we are still stronger in spirit than their bullshit so sweden still eats horse (and we drink JULMUST for lord satan, fuck you coca-cola company, go back to israel! RESIST JUDEO-CHRISTIAN AMERICAN CAPITALIST ANTI-CULTURE!!!)

Well, sometimes we do eat horse meat as a sandwich ingredient. *shrug* Funny thing is, the "slices" are called "hamburger meat". If you look closely on the package it is horse meat.
you know what's funny? recently when i've been reading the lists of ingredients on "hamburger meat" packets down the store it is more often than not beef. some still use horse but if you look at "SCAN TUNNA SKIVOR" or whatever it's actually cow these days. still tastes similar due to some sort of curing process i guess
At the last grand opening of a media markt in berlin, they opened, people got trampled to death and were beating each other over cheap shit and then riot police came in and had to beat the crowd into submission to get them out of the store.

I thought this sort of thing only happened in America . . . ?
Because Sweden ... .... .... ? Fill in the dots for me please.

Like I said...I can't really place it but I think it has something to do with how I view Sweden. I've always wanted to travel has almost a mystical presence about it in my mind. Everything about it is pure as the driven snow. On the other hand, at most free hot dog events in the US (at least that I have been around), you will find mostly the dregs of humanity in attendance. I just can't picture that sort of thing happening in Sweden. I realize this is ignorant, but fish can't walk when the buzzard's not in season.
For reasons unknown, I find the fact that they do this sort of thing in Sweden very interesting.

In Ireland I got wasted in a bookstore FOR FREE 'cause they were giving away wine at a book signing! We're talking 6-8 glasses of wine in around an hour, then my girlfriend bought the guy's book 'cause she felt bad... but shit, they had fucking cases of wine lined up!
And would it hurt for them to check the relish dispensers every 20 minutes or so? Nothing pisses me off more than bumping dog to dog with a cholo at the sole relish hole.
In Ireland I got wasted in a bookstore FOR FREE 'cause they were giving away wine at a book signing! We're talking 6-8 glasses of wine in around an hour, then my girlfriend bought the guy's book 'cause she felt bad... but shit, they had fucking cases of wine lined up!


There's nothing inherently wrong with eating horse. I was just being stupid. I think, like 80% of horse meat comes from USA anyhow, even though we have a social stigma about it. It's legal to eat here too. People just dont do it.

Horsies are magical.
Like I said...I can't really place it but I think it has something to do with how I view Sweden. I've always wanted to travel has almost a mystical presence about it in my mind. Everything about it is pure as the driven snow. On the other hand, at most free hot dog events in the US (at least that I have been around), you will find mostly the dregs of humanity in attendance. I just can't picture that sort of thing happening in Sweden. I realize this is ignorant, but fish can't walk when the buzzard's not in season.

i'm not going to crush your dreams because they are cute but honestly man, we're just a western country