media markt & metal commercialism

stuff like that is disgusting, but not exactly media markt's fault.

also if you think media markt is "more expensive than other stores" you should come to sweden sometime and check out our "other stores"

Its not media markt's fault that their target audience is the rock bottom of the intelligence pool and is therefore prone to violence. But they might have seen it coming.

Germany is America, you idiot

I thought this sort of thing only happened in America . . . ?
america is a joke and germany is america without the punchline

Our gangsters/rappers are turkish, which in some ways makes them worse. They aren't "the poor ex-slaves"... they're simply better than us and "right".

This culture, poor grasp of the language (lack of vocabulary and grammar "I go subway, we go mall" (they really speak like that)), etc.

Theres still a educated middle ground thats not american, but the majority is now america without getting the concept in the first place. So its a bizarre half-way world.

i'm not going to crush your dreams because they are cute but honestly man, we're just a western country

lol, I think lots of people in north america think of all european countries as this mystical thing.
I found a copy of October Falls - The womb of primordial nature at our Mediamarkt today. Naturally I didn't buy it.
tbh, I despise media markt because I find their advertising an insult to anyone intelligent... but it works for them so...

that's a ridiculous reason to dislike anything

there isn't an advertisement on television or in major print media anywhere that doesn't assume you are an idiot so it seems stupid to single out one company just because they're more blatant about it by using bold red 120pt type on everything

at least they're being honest about it and not pretending to be a "certified dentist" to get you to buy some bullshit toothpaste with microgranulate nanocrystals
I want a goddamn free hotdog now :(

Also, buying music from used / independent stores is fun! In Toronto we have Sonic Boom, Rotate This!, formerly Sonic Temple (recently deceased) and I'm sure there are others I don't frequent.

Sonic Boom has a pretty huge metal section with hundreds of cds, and a seperate vinyl section in the basement. I love that place. Its also open til midnight!
...somhow @topic

...I think the MediaMarkt-Saturn-AldiMusic-etc. range of products is also dependent on the local buying dept. at the market and their may be in your market Einride there is an enthusiastic-but-failed-High-fidelity-nerd who is responsible for the great album variety...???

...anyway somehow is a sold cd a sold cd (at least for the band) is of course nice to support a small shop...but most small towns don't have it...

@swedish topic

Because Sweden is full of hurdy-gurdy player.