Media Players

I do like WMP 11, but it can be laggy and hog some resources. Winamp is superior to me only in the no lag/light system resource use. However, despite Winamps customizability, I prefer the aesthetics of WMP.
<3 Winamp


And VLC for movies.
WMP is actually pretty decent these days, so I use that. For files that I can't open with WMP or other default players I have, I use VLC which is pretty good in being dynamic enough to play most file types.
picking winamp over itunes is retarted, the only good thing about winamp is the visualizer.

I think your brain is fucking broken. iTunes hogs resources, is clunky, ugly, uncustomizable (like everything else by Apple), etc. Winamp is seriously just superior in every way. It can even sync iPods!
if you wanna customize itunes just use pidgeon(i think thats what its called) Itunes is just to easy to use and organize, you can change track properties like adding bass and changing EQ. and if your computer was made any time after the year 2002 it shouldn't make your computer slow down.
Wow, you can change EQ, what a novel thing. I can do that in Audacity, but I don't know why I'd ever do that, as it is disrespectful to the art.
I think your brain is fucking broken. iTunes hogs resources, is clunky, ugly, uncustomizable (like everything else by Apple), etc. Winamp is seriously just superior in every way. It can even sync iPods!

Can Winamp play the file types that itunes saves stuff as? I have it save things as mp3s now but some of the CDs I saved were the itunes format thingy, I forgot what the extension was.
Yeah, possible, if I could change from the Itunes files, to play on Winamp, I would think about using Winamp.

You can play Itunes files on Winamp.
Winamp or WMP which ever i feel itunes only if i have to fill the Ipod for music like most people i have like 50+ GB of music which lags most players VLC for videos just for the files types mainly and the small size.

also to mutantlama WINAMP is ipod freindly it does all the same things and itunes except the itunes store feature just takes time to get use to it.