Meet Your MDFers 2

I would put most decrepit, buffet-frequenting Americans to shame in a pizza eating contest; and I'm in fairly good shape. Regardless, I'd rather be a colossal fatass than a fan of Opeth.
Not MDF related but I propose we all have a meetup in the future and have an eating contest, perhaps at a pizza buffet.
Hey guys,

My name is Nick and I'm from suburban Boston originally, but now I live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. By MDF time I'll have finished up a degree in History at the University of Toronto. I mostly listen to brutal death, but I also like plenty of black, thrash, grind, and doom. Non metal wise I like screamo, hip hop, shoegaze and some other miscellaneous stuff.

I'm a nice guy. Probably a little quiet at first but I'll talk to you more as the weekend goes on. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone I've met in previous years as well as meeting all the new folks.

Here's a recent picture of me: