Meet Your MDFers 2

My name is Chris. I'm 26 years old. I currently live in Peoria, AZ, a suburban nightmare come to life where every single house looks exactly like this. Peoria is a suburb of Phoenix, which is a giant fucking sprawling metropolis straight out of the urban planner's handbook of what not to do when building a city. I was born in Tucson, which is in southern AZ just 2 hours drive from Phoenix. Tucson is surrounded by this shit as far as the eye can see. If you're not used to heat, you will die here in the summer. I promise.

Currently I'm working on my MA degree. I should be done with it by May. After that, I'll probably start looking for teaching work at small community colleges in the area and then apply to Phd programs. I used to work as a teaching assistant at my university (best job I've ever had by far). I like lots of different kinds of metal, but my main interests are in black metal, death metal, and some heavy and power metal. I also like some folk metal if it doesn't sound too jolly and twee or whatever. As far as non-metal, I like music in the Western classical tradition from pretty much every period, dark ambient, neoclassical stuff like Dead Can Dance and Elend, and krautrock/proto-ambient stuff like Tangerine Dream and Klaus Schulze.

Here's a picture from about a year and half ago I think:

For the record, everyone from Peoria is gay with each other, so expect alot of rubbing, touching and finger manipulations in the hotel room.

Just as long as us New Englanders can join.

Of coarse we may want to get to know each other, or else this could turn into one big drunken orgasmic mess.
*edit* and just as long as there is Nutella involved.
I think that 90% of people going to this fest from UM are either from "Peoria" or Maine. So awesome. In all reality, im getting pretty excited to hang out with everyone, the fest is a great experience but the people from UM are cool too. Also, I'm going to be making an assload of trips to that 7-11 with that FREE nacho cheese pump. Everyone that went last year knows my wicked eating habits.
Yes, I know I'm not exactly the most charming looking person, but I will be at MDF. If you would like to say hello, feel free. I like to drink beer with people. It's not always as shitty as Faxe.


It was either this picture or one of dozens I have being in a lab and wearing my lab coat. I'd figure I'd go with a picture that isn't of me at work.
I'm still waiting for you to reveal that you're just trolling and you'll be the first person to greet us upon arrival. If that isn't the case, we should definitely set up a Skype date to broadcast during your graduation ceremony so we can class up that place with beer bottles and t-shirts with provocative things on them.