Meeting the crew?


Wrath of Amemait
Jan 1, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
This might seem crazy, but I thought I might throw this out there anyways. Will there ever be an opportunity to meet the Woods crew at any point and you hang out with the Toronto fans? I know it's probably really busy now, but you're welcome to play at my house any day David.

... :lol: I'll probably read this again and laugh at myself.
We still have to sell a lot more CDs before we'd be at the level to start doing 'meet and greets' or something. :) Until then the best place to meet up with us is at a Woods show. We're always happy to hang out, have a few beers and chat, especially AFTER we've played our set. Maybe see ya there?

Anybody not willing to go see moonsorrow after flying all the way from Suomi on a hella budget mission is total n00b.

And it will be most enjoyable to see woods:)
We still have to sell a lot more CDs before we'd be at the level to start doing 'meet and greets' or something. :) Until then the best place to meet up with us is at a Woods show. We're always happy to hang out, have a few beers and chat, especially AFTER we've played our set. Maybe see ya there?


I understand, but considering my age, lol at having a few beers. Not that I can decline, but you know how it is.

Speaking of selling CD's, what sort of advertising is happening?
Dave, Dan and the crew are unaproachable rock stars. Trying to get past Gus there body guard is not an easy task. It's all sun glasses and attitude from them!

I kid I kid...

They are all actually really friendly and decent folks that are very gracious towards there fans. I have had many a beer with the boys and they will talk music or Dethklok for hours if you get em drunk enough. :) I have also never known 2 guys who could eat the hottest of peppers like it was candy.