Megadeth Album 2009

Well this post by Dave Mustaine offers some insight and hints for the next album, its looking ify.


Happy Thanksgiving to all of you who choose to celebrate Thanksgiving on this day. Today's update is kinda wrapping up the whole week, instead of just any given day.

Andy Sneap has gone back to the UK, and Shawn Drover has gone back to the land of mosquitoes in Georgia. I am here at home in San Diego, like James is too, and Chris is up the freeway two hours in LA. Our last full day together was Tuesday, and we got a lot of ground covered.

I know that there was probably some wonder of how I was going to come up with these songs, but I have never wondered, and the songs I have heard so far are kewl to me, and we keep making little slight adjustments which improves the song most of the time. I also have just enough humility to know when a change has not made a song better, and to go with what is best for the song.

Of the four songs we have demo'd up (without lyrics) there are fast and slow elements in each song. I am ok with the way that the parts are shaping up, and since the finished project is always better than the drawing board, I am just going to relax and sit back and watch how things unfold themselves. It gets too overwhelming with all of the complaints on how to make the next record and what I am doing wrong, and how we are too this or too that to matter to metal fans, and I just shake my head and laugh.

In the studio, I love how when I am talking about a drum part needing a double-bass part or a real frantic drum performance, that Shawn keeps going, 'I know what he wants!' and then he runs out to the live room and does it. What a luxury to have him sitting there, and have him help feel the little nuances and make them standout! I knew this was going to be a much better recording when we started it. It is not going to be a speed metal/thrash metal record from 1980's or 1990's. It is almost 2010 and I am happy with my playing, especially since at one time I couldn't play anymore.

So, I have a lot to be grateful for. Yeah, it gets disappointing to read the posts that are constantly bagging on me, Megadeth, my music, or just anything that has to do with my life, and I know that there are a lot of people here that see this too, and disagree. I just ask that you remember, in order to not be perceived as unfair, we allow a certain level of counter-Megadeth opinions to be post here; its just that sometimes people go too far.

Take this new record. Half of the complaints come from people who can't play an instrument and have no idea how hard these parts really are, because they are not what they seem to the human ear, and how they are actually played. Ask any of the guitar-heroes that have played in Megadeth and they will tell you that it is a lot harder than it looks. And besides, who in their right mind would let a complaining fan change the way that music is expressed from your very soul. This isn't just making stuff up for the money. I actually really love to play and be in front of you an entertain you. Plus, it is outright stoopid to think after complete loss of use of my left arm that there wouldn't be some residual affect from the nerve damage and some speed, dexterity, and ability sacrificed when the accident occurred. I mean, I see some guys get hurt and can't play, and people want to have 24 hour bed-watches for them, and when I got hurt it was more like, "now let's see what he's made of" which is probably inaccurate, but I felt more like that, than "Jeez, I am happy he can still play at all."

We have also documented the way that the industry has changed and dictated that way that bands had to operate. Just because you have been a fan for several years doesn't mean you understand what it is like when you are told that your record is not getting picked and you did everything to make it work, and it is because of something you "said" or "did" and nothing to do with the musical merit of the band or the songs that you get played, or put in the rack space in the stores, or you get someone who has moved my records and put someone else's in its place (and we have had fans tell us that they did this for us too, as well as have it happen to us). Face it, there are still assholes out there who are holding the grudge and keeping it alive. I just did a search and there are thousands of sites on me and what I think of "someones" new album - this is an outright lie. I didn't post or say anything, because I have zero to say for the first time in my life about it.

But this is just as preposterous as the several dozen sites on Facebook and elsewhere with impostors acting like they are me. I don't know what I find more ignorant, the impostor or the people who carry on these relationships with these impostors. I was talking to Justis and his guitarist yesterday, and telling them how terrible people will be to their band, how they will love you, and turn on you, and how to keep from letting it break you down. People just love to hurt other people; especially anonymously over the net. You can tell because they take so much delight in ripping flesh with their words. The problem is that I expect this, and it does not hurt me like it used to; in fact it only makes me happy to see how much I have grown and how much I could have missed by being negative and small-minded for the rest of my life. I mean, think about it. Are some of the things said here really expected to be taken into consideration by me, when there is so much negative sh*t in the posts? I just keep reading and skip the ones that are nasty like that.

There are many, many unkind places that you can go and rip apart someone and be part of the mob-mentality, with the other cowards that hide behind a computer and try to destroy a person's life work because it isn't fast enough for them. is not one of those places. So, if you come here and slag me, you can be sure that it will be allowed for a while, but that you won't make a lot of friends here, and that you really won't enjoy your experience here like the people who know me do, when we talk about music or travel, or even coffee, whatever! This site and the people here are here for the lifestyle, for the friendships that are made here, for the great environment, as well as for the informative music authorities, for the musicians and international forums. The list goes on and on.
May I get back to the new record? Ok, well I was saying that I like just about everything concerning it; the sound, the environment, the music (at whatever tempo), the fact that we are constantly having successful meetings around the studio, the client list is growing, and so on, and so on. Speaking of successful meetings, this week so far, we have met with our merchandise company FEA and started the artwork for the Priest Feast tour, as well as our own new merchandise line for the next world tour. John Lorenzi is hard at work coming up with great new designs for you for the next tour. We did very well with our merchandise last tour, and I hope to do that same this tour.

I also met with Kevin Dees, the son of Rick Dees, and two of his associates about me having an internet radio show on the DEES Radio network that would bring something even kewler to This is new and on its way, so we will keep you posted on this exciting development. Please stand by for this one.

Next, I have seen the new DEAN guitar that they are going to unveil at the NAMM 2009. I am sure a lot of you will see it at this years trade show in Anaheim, Cal., and just a hint, it is a graphic guitar with some RIP artwork on it. I can't wait to see this baby up close! I am really looking forward to making it back to the German NAMM show, whatever that is called again.

And lastly, I received a top secret "box" shipped from Paul Marshall and my good friends at Marshall Amplification. All I have to say is, "WOW!" You are going to die when you see what I see, er . . . hear.

Have a great day today, and if you know someone who may not get to eat today, "sharing" is one of my favorite words, and I just ask that on this one day, that we would do something good for someone less fortunate. Its a rush! I promise!!

I love you and we'll talk again soon,

Until then, Eat Metal!"

In other Megadeth news, drummer Shawn Drover is featured in the "Artist Videos" section at the website. In this video, Shawn talks about at what age he started playing drums and how Neil Peart of RUSH inspired him, his first drum kit and playing with brother Glen Drover through high school, his switch to DDrum and more.


I'm glad hes not taking what those people say to heart and is just making the music as he wants it to be.
Im very much looking forward to it. It will be interesting to hear Brodericks soloing on Daves riffs. Should be good. That Drover brother did a good job on UA with some melodic stuff but overall Im glad they have Broderick now.

I liked UA, but then again I have liked everything Dave has put out under the banner Megadeth. So worst case scenario is that it will only be good but Im sure I'll love it as usual :p
what dave mustaine needs to realise is that megadeth became famous for pure speed/thrash metal and it was because of this that fans fell in love with megadeth, and if dave wants to change his style of music then of course that will anger the fans that hav liked megadeth from the humble beginning, he should realise that in this business the fans are everything, and he should be trying to satisfy his fans, yes he might think that he can release music that has more meaning to him but please give us wat we all want pure 80's thrash no point doin another 4 previous albums clone, id rather see a second R.I.P.
and yes i am aware R.I.P was released in 1990
what dave mustaine needs to realise is that megadeth became famous for pure speed/thrash metal and it was because of this that fans fell in love with megadeth, and if dave wants to change his style of music then of course that will anger the fans that hav liked megadeth from the humble beginning, he should realise that in this business the fans are everything, and he should be trying to satisfy his fans, yes he might think that he can release music that has more meaning to him but please give us wat we all want pure 80's thrash no point doin another 4 previous albums clone, id rather see a second R.I.P.
and yes i am aware R.I.P was released in 1990

Nah he should do what he wants to because otherwise it will pobably be done half assed. If he makes an album just because others want him to he may not have any passion or will to really do it.
I don't even want a thrash or speed metal album. Just don't talk more than sing, throw in some riffs that aren't stop-start groove, and stop doing retarded political rants. I actually love Cryptic Writings but ever since then (and on Countdown to Extinction before it) he's put out some of the most inane unfunny shit ever written.
I thought UA sucked. I could barely get into any of the songs. The one before that had some cool tracks on it, although it wasn't really thrashy or anything. Last album they did that was actually pretty cool was Youthanasia.
I thought UA sucked. I could barely get into any of the songs. The one before that had some cool tracks on it, although it wasn't really thrashy or anything. Last album they did that was actually pretty cool was Youthanasia.

I think a problem that people MIGHT have with recent Megadeth albums, and possibly with any other band, is that they try to compare it to their best album, which in my opinion was definitely Rust In Piece. I have come to terms that Marty Friedman won't ever be back in the band and Megadeth probably won't have as much of a thrashy feel as they did in RIP. I thought all of their albums, excluding Risk and TWNAH, were excellent and I look forward to their next album. :headbang:
RazorMetal426 said:
what dave mustaine needs to realise is that megadeth became famous for pure speed/thrash metal and it was because of this that fans fell in love with megadeth, and if dave wants to change his style of music then of course that will anger the fans that hav liked megadeth from the humble beginning, he should realise that in this business the fans are everything, and he should be trying to satisfy his fans, yes he might think that he can release music that has more meaning to him but please give us wat we all want pure 80's thrash no point doin another 4 previous albums clone, id rather see a second R.I.P.
and yes i am aware R.I.P was released in 1990
So what you're saying is that Dave should vainly attempt to recapture past glories rather than attempting to create new and relevant music in order to appease a fickle fanbase?
Because I would call that "selling out" and I would not be interested in hearing it. That's what Slayer attempted to do with Christ Illusion and if you remember correctly that didn't turn out too well. It's what Metallica tried to do with Death Magnetic and I haven't heard that trainwreck in it's entirety but let's just say that what I've heard has just vaguely nauseated me.
UA was an exceptional Megadeth album. It took TWNAH and TSHF to get Dave back into full Thrash mode after Risk. How many albums did it take Metallica before Death Magnetic to get back into form? Alot! Its funny how so many people just love to bag on Dave for any little thing but when Metallica all but destroys their image, Slayer puts out a punk album and Anthrax basically takes themselves out of contention noone says a damn word.

Ive bought every Megadeth album thats ever come out (even Risk) and have found merit on each one. Yes Risk was a pile of shit, yes CTE, Youthanasia, and CW were lighter albums than RIP but for fucks sake! You cant expect every god damned band to put out the same damn album year after year after year. Each Meagdeth album that has ever been released has been different from the one before it. Listen to KIMB ABIG and then listen to RIP. Theres noway the two are similar. The new album will be different from UA and thats how its supposed to be. Ill buy the new Megadeth album just like I bought every other Megadeth album, looking for something new derived from the old stuff.
UA was an exceptional Megadeth album. It took TWNAH and TSHF to get Dave back into full Thrash mode after Risk. How many albums did it take Metallica before Death Magnetic to get back into form? Alot!

I count three albums for Metallica to release a semi-thrash album and six albums for Megadeth to release a not-even-quarter-thrash album.
I count three albums for Metallica to release a semi-thrash album and six albums for Megadeth to release a not-even-quarter-thrash album.
Whatever you say about it, UA is thrash. This is not debatable.

Hope it's not gonna be like 80's megadeth, cuz thrash is quite boring music! UA

This is the part where you say "just kidding please don't ban me for being a retard."