Megadeth No more...

many ignore the fact that the band disbanded due to a health issue.Mustaine suffers partial paralysis to his left arm and i see people saying good riddance and bulshit words.And how come CTE and Youthanasia arent good??They arent fucking thrash metal or speed or anything but they are definitely inspired and very heavy.Besides i bet none of you whining would ever be able to achieve all the great stuff mustaine achieved, to be ever able to release records such as risk and cryptic after so many years.Check the music inside after all these years, they still make me think and enjoy as all deth albums.
Many say mustaines a fuckin asshole, however people that their opinion really matters and has gravity say that hes a nice person. so i tend to the second one.
Good recovery to Dave.
I lost my internet connection for 2 1/2 weeks... What's the first thing I hear when I get it back? That Megadeth broke up, DAMNIT! It's wild to see that alot of people don't like them or haven't heard much of their stuff... I wouldn't even be listening to Metal if it weren't for Megadeth and Metallica... (Megadeth more so than Metallica, but nevermind that...) I too never got to see them live but I have all their albums... And, with the exception of Risk, I think they are all great... The last one wasn't that great but I've heard ALOT worse... (Ie Risk... heh heh) They will be missed...

I wouldn't be surprised if DE joined Metallica, though I hope that doesn't happen...