Melodeath w/ wierd vocals (Revalver, Nebula, Slate, S2.0, AD)


Jan 23, 2008
Gothenburg, Sweden
Hey guys! :loco:
I would really appreciate some feedback on this mix.
This is the first song I have ever written and I have only been playing guitar for 2 years so don't expect the song to be great.

Guitars are my Epiphone Explorer w/ EMG81 & 60 and my acoustic guitar with a really crappy pickup.
The bass is a cheap Cort Action Bass.
The drums are recorded with my DDrum kit, replaced with samples from Addictive Drums, Superior Drummer 2.0 and Steven Slate Drums.
Vocals recorded with a cheap copy of the SM58.

Hey man, i actually really like your (heavy) guitarsound, mind sharing what setup besides your guitar you used?
EDIT: NVM; i just saw that you used revalver etc;)

The song is good too man, i like it!
How long have you been recording stuff for Sickan?
This stuff shits all over the quality of my stuff at the 2 year mark.

That guitar tone is HUGE.
Hmm, the guitar tone is huge, but too middy IMO, it overpowers everything else just a bit too much, but tame the mids a bit and it'll still be huge but in a balanced kinda way! Also, the vox are way too low, but considering how they sound (pig squeals aplenty :erk: ), I don't think I'm missing much :D Yeah, the guitars are way overpowering so it's hard to guage much else, but overall it sounds solid!
Hey man, i actually really like your (heavy) guitarsound, mind sharing what setup besides your guitar you used?
EDIT: NVM; i just saw that you used revalver etc;)

The song is good too man, i like it!

Thanks alot!
The guitar chain is basicly a gate > TSS Drive 4 Tone 10 > Revalver 6505 Green Channel Low 7 Mid 2 High 5 Post 5 Resonance 10 Presence 9.5 (Suecof style) > AE's 1960AV 57 CDC3 Nebula program > Multiband compressor > Custom Impulse (To wetten the signal a tad)

How long have you been recording stuff for Sickan?
This stuff shits all over the quality of my stuff at the 2 year mark.

That guitar tone is HUGE.

Also, fucking amazing song
SICK vocals dude, fucking SICK!

I've been recording for like 1½ years now :loco:
Haha I started... "vocalizing"... just one week before the recording - never screamed (or whatever one may call it) prior to this. To hide my inexperience I layered the vocals kinda Behemoth-style, 3 different layers throughout the song.
Thanks a fucking bunch! I would like to do a collaboration with you some time (got blown away from the work you did with Jonas)! :headbang:

Hmm, the guitar tone is huge, but too middy IMO, it overpowers everything else just a bit too much, but tame the mids a bit and it'll still be huge but in a balanced kinda way! Also, the vox are way too low, but considering how they sound (pig squeals aplenty :erk: ), I don't think I'm missing much :D Yeah, the guitars are way overpowering so it's hard to guage much else, but overall it sounds solid!

Thanks Marcus! Means alot to me since I know your view on non-rectifier tones, especially Revalver ones :loco:
What kinda mids are you talking about? Wool? Lowmids?
Well the vocals are low on purpose, didn't want the vocals to take too much space since it's the first time I have... sung :lol:
I think it was a great song.

The guitar tone is definitely overpowering. It is enormous, but you might want to lower it in the mix a bit, or bring down some of the mids as other people have said.

The vocals sound cool where they are, but I would like to hear them louder, which would probably reveal the fact they aren't the best. I've done this on the VERY FEW songs I've ever done death growl vocals on. I suck at them! :lol: I do like the layered sound of Nergal-Behemoth vocals however, so it can be a desired effect that's for sure.
I think it was a great song.

The guitar tone is definitely overpowering. It is enormous, but you might want to lower it in the mix a bit, or bring down some of the mids as other people have said.

The vocals sound cool where they are, but I would like to hear them louder, which would probably reveal the fact they aren't the best. I've done this on the VERY FEW songs I've ever done death growl vocals on. I suck at them! :lol: I do like the layered sound of Nergal-Behemoth vocals however, so it can be a desired effect that's for sure.

The funny thing is that just before I thought the guitars were way to low, I turned them up a bit... apparantly too much :loco:
I guess I could turn the vocals up just a notch then.
Thanks for the comments, I appreciate it!
Happy birfday dude! :headbang:

And sorry it took me a hot sec to get back to this, but to answer your question, no, don't worry, the wool is nicely in check here :lol: Rather the fuzzy mids around 1k that are overpowering IMO, and obscuring some attack; also the guitars are too high simply in level IMO, though it's always difficult to guage level when suggesting eq'ing cuz that can changed perceived level like ca-razy. Revalver always has too much 1k I'm finding...

Pretty cool that you used Nebula for this though! I can definitely hear more dynamics compared with impulses, so there's hope yet! And as for the vox, if you're gonna sing, don't fucking puss out and try to hide it, be proud and bring 'em to the front, for better or for worse! :D
Hejsan bebis-Sickan ;)

Don't trash talk yourself 'cause this song is great! :D

Imo, the vocals are too low. But you knew that because everyone else told you :)
Also, the guitars are WAY to middy and overpowering volume wise.

Maybe it's only me, but I think the snare could come up a bit. It's a little bit burried.

My favourite part must be where the distorted guitars come in after the clean part. That is massive!!

Cheers and Kisses
Nice and brutal guitar tone and riffs and not too much of those pussy midilimidili melodic parts :heh:, good job! From what I can hear of the vocals they sound pretty cool.

Mix wise the guitars are definitely way too loud, bring them down and then probably raise the vocals a tiny bit and you're set. I think the snare is fine by the way and that will probably only get better as you bring the guitars down a bit
Happy birfday dude! :headbang:

And sorry it took me a hot sec to get back to this, but to answer your question, no, don't worry, the wool is nicely in check here :lol: Rather the fuzzy mids around 1k that are overpowering IMO, and obscuring some attack; also the guitars are too high simply in level IMO, though it's always difficult to guage level when suggesting eq'ing cuz that can changed perceived level like ca-razy. Revalver always has too much 1k I'm finding...

Pretty cool that you used Nebula for this though! I can definitely hear more dynamics compared with impulses, so there's hope yet! And as for the vox, if you're gonna sing, don't fucking puss out and try to hide it, be proud and bring 'em to the front, for better or for worse! :D

Thanks Marcus :D
Okay, I'll try to even the mids out and maybe change the volume depending on the result.
I'm really hoping for a softer high-end with the new Nebula tests you guys are doing, that would be amazing!
Haha good point, I'm going to prouden them up a bit then :loco:

Hejsan bebis-Sickan ;)

Don't trash talk yourself 'cause this song is great! :D

Imo, the vocals are too low. But you knew that because everyone else told you :)
Also, the guitars are WAY to middy and overpowering volume wise.

Maybe it's only me, but I think the snare could come up a bit. It's a little bit burried.

My favourite part must be where the distorted guitars come in after the clean part. That is massive!!

Cheers and Kisses

Hallojsan partner-Cally ;)
The vocals are going up and the guitar mids down, the snare is tricky tho - either it's too loud or too soft, it's somewhat balanced now.
Thanks alot! Looking forward to your EP :saint:
(hoho känns fjantigt att prata engelska med dig här ;3)

Nice and brutal guitar tone and riffs and not too much of those pussy midilimidili melodic parts :heh:, good job! From what I can hear of the vocals they sound pretty cool.

Mix wise the guitars are definitely way too loud, bring them down and then probably raise the vocals a tiny bit and you're set. I think the snare is fine by the way and that will probably only get better as you bring the guitars down a bit

Thanks man!
After everyones comments I'll definitely turn the guitars (mids at least) and turn the vocals up a bit (good point regarding the snare)!
Jättefint Sickis, nice and raw!

Do like everyone else said and you'll be kicking more ass'es.

Sick song aswell!

Damn nice man! Bra stuff!
That guitar tone hits right to my alley. The mix is sweet overall too! And not bad vocs. Maybe some altering could be screams etc.
Me likes.
Guitar tone is sweet, song is sweet.

I don't think the guitar is too loud - I like the drums a bit buried as they are. But the drums sound rather muffled, I'd raise the highs on them. The mix overall lacks a bit of punch, so maybe bringing the guitars down a bit might help, but I think that fixing the drums will help more.

The toms at the end sound HUGE but a tad boxy.