Melodic Death Metal


Don't mean nothin'
Dec 9, 2001
A Nation on Fire
Hi there, first post here !

I wanted to ask you guys and gals to recommend me good melodic death metal albums if you can. Music in the vein of At The Gates' ' Slaughter of the Soul ' :grin:
In fact i've tried many bands and I've never found an album better than this one in the genre. SO ???
One WORD for you:
EUCHARIST - Mirrorworlds... in the vein of at the gates 100%...

and some ohers

Gardenian - Sindustries
" - Soulburner
Soilwork - 'any of them'
Arche Enemy..
Hollenthon (Not exactly in the vein of At the gates, but i'm sure you will like it)
Dark Tranquility
Dark Lunacy (like dark tranquility but with violins)
Sentenced (early era)

Those are kind of the "mainstrem" melodic death metal. I don't know about underground bands, i'm sure some of the people here can give you a hand with some other undergrund Melodic death bands.
SunlapseVertigo said:
Death's "Symbolic" is very good melodic death/thrash, as well as "The Sound of Persevernce" (which is even better, but slightly less accessable)

You took the words right out of my mouth, only Symbolic is my favorite followed by Individual Thought Patterns and then SoP. Death have got to be one of the best bands ever. As far as metal goes, they're simply untouchable and have very few equals. Every album was given 100% and nothing was ever done half assed, and although there was plenty of brutality to go around, there was also a balance of emotion in each song that just gives me goosebumps every time I listen, not to mention that the music is very technical, with time changes and odd note groupings all over the place.

Death - Symbolic, Individual Thought Patterns, Sound Of Perseverance
Soilwork - The Chainheart Machine
Arch Enemy - Burning Bridges
In Flames - The Jester Race and Whoracle
Dark Tranquillity - The Gallery
Children Of Bodom - Hatebreeder, Hate Crew Deathroll, Follow The Reaper
SpiritCrusherX said:
You took the words right out of my mouth, only Symbolic is my favorite followed by Individual Thought Patterns and then SoP. Death have got to be one of the best bands ever. As far as metal goes, they're simply untouchable and have very few equals. Every album was given 100% and nothing was ever done half assed, and although there was plenty of brutality to go around, there was also a balance of emotion in each song that just gives me goosebumps every time I listen, not to mention that the music is very technical, with time changes and odd note groupings all over the place.

I agree, Death were one of the few bands that just kept on getting better and better. TSoP was their peak imo, an absolute masterpiece. That album is so good it's mind-boggling.
Eternal Lies is the best bet. Brilliant Drumming. Dark Tranquillity, Dimension Zero, Soilwork, Arch Enemy, Children of bodm, more At The Gates, The Haunted are all good bets.
SunlapseVertigo said:
I agree, Death were one of the few bands that just kept on getting better and better. TSoP was their peak imo, an absolute masterpiece. That album is so good it's mind-boggling.

Yeah, I have such an affinity for that band that just transcends reality. They're so GOOD. There's no better way to put it.