Melodic Tech Metal, 6505, not programmed drums

really cool - couple of noises from drum editing going on though. These riffs are sick man
Epic sound man. Around about what settings do you use on the 6505 to get such a clean tone? I can never get this much attack out of it!
Thanks guys!

TS9 is gain/tone/level 9/12/12(o'clock), 6505 is red channel, gain/bass/mid/treb/res/pres 2.7/6/2.5/7/10/8 (not o'clock haha). SM57 aimed at where the cap meets the cone, turned it off-axis progressively to get rid of fizz but stay bright enough. After that the post EQ on the track is HP/LP 65/13k, wide dip at 700Hz by like 2.8dB, medium boost of like 3dB around 6k-ish. The guitar was my mahogany Gibson Explorer with EMG85 which helps.
Thanks so much for the detail man. I was reamping with a 6505 all night and didn't sound anywhere near that good. I'm guessing it was just the single SM57 used for each take? I was using 2 SM57's on simultaneous mono channels. I'll give those settings a go tomorrow and see how it works. Thanks again.

The drums kill and the guitar tone is to die for....and let's not forget the musicianship.
:worship: :headbang:
Thanks guys I really appreciate it! The snare is 100% natural btw, really proud of that on this project. Kick and toms 100% replaced, toms (shitttttty heads all beat to fuck and untuned, so just triggered them) = Trigger with Maple Set and kick (always trigger anyway) is apTrigga with my Despised Icon kick samples.

@Perishh: Yeah just a single 57. I guess the trick, well for this anyway, is finding a good angle for the mic. I had too much fizz before, started angling it and got it to where it was too dull and then worked my way back (towards 90) until I liked what I heard. Also, it's 1" from the grill, forgot to mention that. I have tried Fredman technique a few times with unfavorable results so far, dunno how often I'll be able to mess with that more but I'd really like to.
Sorry, link is fixed now! Changed the name as I was reamping a few more times trying different things.
Ever wonder.... what if Mozart came back from the dead and heard this.... what would he think? Meh, fuck him....this is sweet!!!!
Nice mix, but the snare sound I can't say I dig. Nice natural tone, but it's a bit too poppy for me.

It's funny, I have done like 3-5 revisions on the mix until I started reamping and each time I cranked the compressor a little more (threshold and/or attack) to get more pop out of it until I got where I'm at now. I may think about backing off on it.

my thoughts initially but then it grew on me. this mix is soooo good. great job man.

Thanks man! :kickass: