Melodic Tech Metal, 6505, not programmed drums

Great work!!!!

I would mix a single-sample-trigger underneath the snare. With a 10dB difference to the original snare.

I think the snare sounds great, but for that kind of music, I realy like a hard-verbed-snare trigger to give the it more crank.

IS this Lyle Cooper? Gotta be. Amazing sounding, bro!

Haha, it's actually not, but the guy drumming is a big fan of Lyle's. The secret to this shit is editing the absolute fuck out of the drums. You can hear a few parts where I need to go back and fine-tune like on the ride, and I heard a weird cymbal thing or two somewhere in there. I'll be giving the drums another run to make sure it's all kosher though. I'm actually not even going to be mixing this project :zombie: Maybe after they hear my mix though... :lol:

Pic of drum editing session for one of the songs:


Good times haha.

He played really tight, I just went through and basically tightened it all up, cutting basically every 8th or 16th note. Kick drums were actually not bad at all, again just tidying up what was already fairly solid, very minute movements.
Holy shit - these drums are some of the best I've heard on this board. They fit this tune like a glove. Sweet job bro.

Guitars are sounding great too.
