Melodyne Direct Note Access - !!!!!!!!

Awesome stuff - but picking out single notes from a clean acoustic guitar is way easier than doing it on a distorted electric. With all the harmonics and cut-off wave forms in a distorted signal, it's a whole other kettle of fish. Still, this is a step in the right direction as far as that goes - but I'd still rather just get the performance right in the first place.

Awesome stuff - but picking out single notes from a clean acoustic guitar is way easier than doing it on a distorted electric. With all the harmonics and cut-off wave forms in a distorted signal, it's a whole other kettle of fish. Still, this is a step in the right direction as far as that goes - but I'd still rather just get the performance right in the first place.


Fix the DI track and then re-amp it. Obviously it's always best to get the performance right in the first place, but this will definitely useful, and very tempting to use for evil. :lol:
It's cool I guess I can see where there would be problems with this. For instance I never knew any of the pitch correction plugs to work at all with distorted sounds (and you notice they use an acoutic for the samples).

So I think as cool as it is, it will probably still be limited in how good it is.
I use Melodyne and DNA comes out the end of the year 2008 on the (Plug-In version2) product of Melodyne. It's the 3rd product down, under Cre8 and Studio! Hint ... hint.... :OMG:

P.S. I'm sure alot of people will be RAPING TECHNOLOGY with this one! hahahahaha...
Crazy world! What's up next? Melodyne butt-plug? Grabbing the DI directly from your brain?

It will be interesting to see how this will work in a real live situation. I mean, who knows what they did editing-wise to this vid. But I can't really picture this working with distorted signals. It's like the countless attempts over decades to synthesize a distorted signal. AFAIK no one ever achieved satisfying results.

But damn, demystification of music part 123456.
I respect what was developed and I see the advantage if you are running a commercial studio, but personally I stay with the real things.
Watching the vid made me want to listen to performances.
Use it on the DI and re-amp later :)

Umm, yeah of course!

So kids, always remember, record the DI! :goggly:

I once had a wrong bus assignment for a part of the song so the DI for it was missing and re-tracking wasn't possible due to time issues. Damn, I was biting my ass! :lol:
Mind blowing! can't get over it. I fear what will be possible in the new future. Multi tracks from any ones song? No more having to ask for them?
This looks incredible but I'm a bit skeptical. I'll have to fuck with it myself before I'm impressed. Melodyne is already a great program and this stuff is definitely the direction it's heading but I just don't think a 1st gen product supporting this kind of thing will be bullet proof. Or maybe I'm wrong which would be awesome.
Look at it not as a way to fix a bad performance, but more as a creative tool. That's where the real power of this technology is IMO. Pop stars who can't play/sing can fuck off, now that the industry is dying what's left will be the people with the talent.
....and all of a sudden I'm not only a decent guitar soloist, I'm a good pianist as well!! OMG there's no way this works as well as they are advertising. No fkn way.

And that MIDI stuff is just ridiculous stupid. If it looks too good to be true then it probably is. Or maybe it's just genuinely evil, as someone here posted earlier.
hrmm I wonder what would happen if you run a whole mixed and mastered song and tried to separate the notes? can't wait to try experiment with this... but I doubt it will work on anything other then acoustic guitar and piano....