Members that have banned accounts collecting dust

I hope somebody comes out and says monoxide_child was their dupe account.

Oh man... That guy's idiotic online footprint must be huge, seems like people on all corners of the board know and loathe that name. :lol:

I have only ever had one account, it is pretty crazy how some people here have like 5. :p
If anyone is friends with Daniel Bitencourt on facebook do you reckon you could tell him to come back here,I should've messaged him before I shut down my account,a great bloke to have around.
sure, cheers.

LilFag (that's what it ended up called anyway lol)
The Timebird
The Power That Preserves
Moon of Amber
The Tragedy of Man

can't remember any others.

That was traumatic merging those. God damn you were a pain in my balls in your younger days. :Smug: :)



Ill keep J

thx deron, you aren't such an evil tyrant after all!!

i wouldve mentioned my deron_hates_pakistanis account but i think it got banned and deleted before i posted anything