Merch at the fest

J. Golden

Heaven and Hell Records
Oct 12, 2009
First of all I'd like to thank Hoyt for the opportunity to come and share my metal goodies with Pathfinder Metal Fest. I'm very much looking forward to it.
Anyway, we'll be bringing a lot of CDs, maybe some shirts and whatever else fits into the car.
power, prog, traditional, death, thrash, NWOBHM, it's all there. We mostly focus on the underground ground and real heavy metal so not much in the way of Nightwish and stuff like that. I guess you'll see.
Look forward to rockin out and hanging with you all.

Hoyt tells me that some of the people who came out down there to see Hellrazor could not get the band's CD because they sold out. Well I will have some on hand for those who missed out.
Also there well be hundreds of CDs and some shirts as well. Several Twisted Tower Dire releases, Aska, and Ravage too.