
thats what a beanie is a tuque or whatever u call it...........
Sure, sure...along with a few other boys like Origin, Skinless, Decapitated they're definately at the forefront of the leading Death metal of today...
Yeah what the fuck, that's quite exotic. And ah, they have these deeply Diabolical Pit Bull-like creatures over there...isn't it just called the Tasmanian devil?
Dont laugh at me,sniff sniff.. lol I dont know what is the english word for the HAT u put ON your HEAD WHEN its WINTER. They call it a "tuque" in french/quebec (not sure of its the same in france)
What's the most multicultural part of Canada? I know Quebec is largely French. Cause I'm moving to Canada in a couple of years, I'm looking for a place to hit where the scene and mentality is good.
When u say scene u mean metal scene? Montreal is the canadian capitol of metal but the english part of Canada may not agree simply because its mostly french there (about 75% french). Or just come stay near where i live and well drink ourself to sleep :D lol
A touqe (I dunno how to spell the word mind you...) is a hat of the knitted variety. Sorry dude, dunno where to get one, though...
Montreal kicks ass no matter what some Francophobe says ( did I just invent a word?). Kind of tough to get a visa, though, dude, but maybe on the basis of you being a LANDSCAPER you can get one. Anyhow, tell you later when I e-mail you.
Tyra said:
A touqe (I dunno how to spell the word mind you...) is a hat of the knitted variety. Sorry dude, dunno where to get one, though...
Montreal kicks ass no matter what some Francophobe says ( did I just invent a word?). Kind of tough to get a visa, though, dude, but maybe on the basis of you being a LANDSCAPER you can get one. Anyhow, tell you later when I e-mail you.

Im a landscaper? What do you mean? lol What the hell is a landscaper!?

And Patricl if u do come near montreal i might be able to go there to (Its only 2 hours but i dont have a car so it might be a problem) It would be cool tho! What do you drink? Theres probably not any danish beer here but maybe some other shit ud like. Recently i drink Raftman (quebec beer) or guiness (u know what that is)