I have to admit that I actually downloaded the Mercy Falls and instantly loved it. Yesterday I ordered both Waiting in the Wings and Mercy Falls from the label. I also have to say that I would have never found this great band without the help of internet. I usually download albums before hand and then, after a listen or two, I buy them, if they are good. In this case, Mercy Falls was unbeliavable, I have never ever liked a concept album at the first listen, but after hearing this, I just wanted more.
As a student, with limited amount of cash, I'm happy that I have a chance to preview some albums before making a desicion about buying them. Since, there are not that many good (in Mercy Falls case, excellent) albums out there, so you really need to know that you ain't buying something that is completely useless and feel completely ripped-off.
There was also talk about reviewers not giving enough time for the album. I actually first noticed Mercy Falls through a finnish metal website (imperiumi.net, which is the biggest in it's kind, I think). Reviewer gave an album rating 10/10 and compared it to Operation:Mindcrime and Scenes from a Memory as a concept album and named it also the best album of the year 2008. So this materpiece has at least had some impact in Finland and I'm hoping it will receive good sales figures in here. At least it deserves to. Of course, nobody wishes it be the last Seventh Wonder album, but I think that after Mercy Falls, lot of people are already expecting the 4. Seventh Wonder record and I'm fairly confident that you guys have a privilage creating more awesomeness
On the sidenote, even though swedes sucks at hockey

They excell musically. Awesome stuff and hope to see you in Finland for a gig