Mesa Basamp on ebay

I would buy that amp in a second if I had enough money-stuff like that always goes for sick prices in the USA...

Didn't you just buy a goddamn Mark IV?

Seems like somebody's thinking that you can have to much amps...blasphemy!
Yeah, fuck if I know anything about how it sounds, I was just commenting on volume - personally, though, for studio use I'd just get some variant of SVT and be done with it! :headbang: (or a Tech 21 VT Bass Pedal, actually, being the cheap bastard I am :D)
haha, I couldn't even afford it if it was on ebay germany for that price...still have to pay for my 800, and some months of rent, so I'm a couple of thousand € behind atm...still would love to have a nice bassamp ;)
loud enough?! They're insanely loud, its just differences in headroom. If you're going to go with Boogie then I'd recommend the Big Block. It will blow your bollocks off.