Mesa Boogie Studio Preamp


So why not moving?
Dec 20, 2003
Dublin, Ireland
I am pondering about buying this pre. I can get it for 450€ and being that it's a mesa boogie preamp, quality's likely assured, but I kinda lost interest today when I realised it wasn't a rectifier preamp. I was told this pre is similar to Mark's in versatility and as such I would like to know if any of you had any experience with one and what would you rate it like?

I am looking for a decent pre/combo/head for the stop-go-stop-go kind of sound, but at the same time, I am looking for a meatful, heavy-mid-ranged, lead tone.
The Mesa Studio Pre is a great preamp. It was made back in the 80's and into the early 90's or so, and it's modeled after the Mesa Mark series. It's basically a stripped down version of the Mesa Quad. They're great sounding preamps. Here's a link to the manual:

You should be able to get one for about $350 - $375 (USD) these days. Don't know what a price, non-US, should be.
The Studio Pre is only good if you like the rhythm tone of "Master of Puppets" or the liquid lead tone of Petrucci!:headbang: Yeah, it's killer. It's basically the Mark IIC preamp with graphic and that is enough to make many players drool.
Um...the MarkIV head that I have...fucking...slays for metal. It's the shit. Double track it and it kicks you in the balls with tone. Dunno why anybody playing metal wouldn't like it...

that studio pre will *not* do current newish metal - not even close. as everyone else has already said a MKIV will eat it for breakfast in the gain department.

it does have a wickedly insanely excellent clean tones though.

if you are not looking to do full out raging metal, but more of an old school then you wont be disappointed.

i thnk you can do better, for 450 brit pounds, which is about $900 bucks usa is almost enough for a brand new 6505+ head.
cobhc - There is a shop 20 minutes down the road from me called Milano Music (huge authorized Peavey dealer) that has new 6505 for $899 and a 6505+ for $939.

Not to be confused, but I'm an american. I have never seen ANY amp in person that was priced in brit pounds! =)
006 said:
Um...the MarkIV head that I have...fucking...slays for metal. It's the shit. Double track it and it kicks you in the balls with tone. Dunno why anybody playing metal wouldn't like it...


Yeah, Mark IV's are fucking rad. Sound a bit small compared to other amps recorded, but still slay!

The Quad Preamp, IIRC, is the Mark IV in preamp form.
Flat Fifth Fury said:
Actually the Quad Preamp is a Mark IIC and a Mark III in one box.


The Studio is a great preamp, and the Mark series can get pretty damn heavy, including the II and III. The Mark series has plenty of gain, including the earlier models.
cobhc said:
bastards! would cost me like half of that again though to get it shipped over here hehe
Not to mention the cost to convert the power thingy from US power to UK power. I don't know the specific specs of those two, but I'm sure they're not compatible, you know, the voltage and power Hz (50 Hz vs 60 Hz).
Torniojaws said:
Not to mention the cost to convert the power thingy from US power to UK power. I don't know the specific specs of those two, but I'm sure they're not compatible, you know, the voltage and power Hz (50 Hz vs 60 Hz).

50->60 is normally ok, the problem comes from the UK 220v power supply being twice that of the US standard 110v