Mesa Dual Rectos 2ch vs. 3 ch

I own a 3 channel dual and it sounds killer. I rented it (brand new) to do all the guitars on an album I was producing a while ago but I fell so in love with it that I decided to go ahead and buy it rather than let it slip away. I didn't want to miss a great opportunity. I've heard not-so-good things about them as well, but this one smokes.

Neil K.
The one consistent thing I've heard about the differences between the two is that the 2 channel is smoother, while the three channels have a grainier high end. Kind of like a more subtle version of the 5150 VS 5150II.
DSS3 said:
The one consistent thing I've heard about the differences between the two is that the 2 channel is smoother, while the three channels have a grainier high end. Kind of like a more subtle version of the 5150 VS 5150II.
yep, that's pretty much the common opinion.
another very common statement is that the 2 channel version has a tighter bottom end response, but slightly less of it.

i do agree that the 2ch version sounds a lot different from the 3ch one. i've played two 2ch heads until now, and both were kickass. the 3ch versions (ok, one 3ch triple recto, and one series II single recto) do indeed sound quite different, but i was only comparing the red channels of both amps. i wonder how much difference there is between the 2ch version red channel, and the 3ch orange channel on modern.

furthermore, does anyone know how the series II single rectos compare the the original series? the SR II i played did sound sweeter than the 3ch triple recto, but less brutal than both the 2ch and the 3ch heads. i haven't played a SR I yet.
fireonhigh said:
oooops!! i hear with my ears more gain on the 3channel but not as warm sounding,,my advice is to buy a 2channel as they are no longer made, take it to guitar center and a/b the hell out of it,,better yet take them both to rehersal!you will always get your money back for the 2channel,and they prolly will run the 3channels another10years!i hope my rant helps~

From the 3ch Recto manual (I don't know how well this will format):

NOTE: Though Channel 2 & 3 look identical there is one important difference to understand and keep in mind while you are
searching out and dialing up your sounds. The PRESENCE Controls are different between the two channels and this affects how
you will find yourself configuring them to best suit your style.
CHANNEL 2 is optimized for the original Recto VINTAGE mode with a milder PRESENCE range and a blend of top end harmonics
more suited to soloing. This helps RAW sound more vintage and warm as well. This PRESENCE has a slower taper and therefore
a more gradual response. This means you have finer resolution for the upper harmonic frequencies which is great for achieving the
warmest, fattest single note soloing sounds. The trade off is that for the
MODERN mode the PRESENCE peaks out before it reaches true mayhem
and there is not the insane amount of top end available. But, fear
not...that is the reason behind the difference in PRESENCE Controls.
CHANNEL 3 is optimized for the legendary MODERN mode with a range of
PRESENCE far exceeding that of CHANNEL 2. This channels’ PRESENCE
picks up where CHANNEL 2 leaves off and allows top end harmonics
that are downright dangerous. The trade off here is that for VINTAGE
and RAW the PRESENCE is hyperactive and must be dialed with care to
achieve the more warm and round sounds. You can think of it like this...a Presence setting equivalent to CHANNEL 2’s PRESENCE
Control set to 5:30 (maximum), is found in CHANNEL 3 at approximately 10:00 on CHANNEL 3’s PRESENCE Control. This means
that the whole range is compressed for these more vocal sounds and the resolution for brighter sounds is expanded.