5150 vs 5150 II & 2 Channel Dual Rectifier vs 3 Channel

SILICON DIODE mode does not require any rectifier tubes.

If it DID pass power through the tube signal path without any tubes there it would blow the fuse.

And yes, metaltastic, that switch basically IS what EVH used (variac). Spot on.
Hmm, coolness - Mesa always seems to have interesting options when it comes to the electronics of their amps (Simul-class being the most wild of the ones I know about).

And on the topic of the Powerball, I had heard that Emperor's "Prometheus" was tracked with a PB - I lost my copy of that awhile ago, so I can't reference it, but Ihsahn's first solo album "The Awakening" sounds EXTREMELY pod-like to me (but also sounds enough like a mic'ed cab that I don't think it is a Pod), so if he used a Powerball on that also, then I can definitely see how people would call the P-ball's distortion digital. :yuk: