


Fractured Transmitter Record Co.


E.P.’s are nothing more than a means for a band to keep their name out there, while they gear up for the next record. With "I" Meshuggah have done something that is both original & also challenging. For you see, this E.P. is just one track, "I" tracks in at 20 minutes. It’s a journey through the mind of a person who struggles his inner demons & mental illness. This isn’t Bon Jovi people, but a good change of pace from the stuff that is out there today. The song is extremely intense and well executed by the band. They are a tight unit, that are closer to progressive metal than death metal. There are some great tempo shifts, pounding bass, jack hammer drumming & razor sharp riffage. The singing isn’t the band’s strong point, but it fits well. If you can hang on for 20 minutes, you will find yourself exhausted from the experience, but willing to take the ride again. Like I stated before, this is an immense task that they took on & they passed with flying colors.


Interesting review, and agreed for the most part!! I love this EP. My only swipe against it would be that, structurally, I don't really think it justifies the solid 20 minutes well enough. Everything (and I mean every minute and second) is intensely enjoyable and interesting to me, but I don't see any musical coherence or connection between the first ten minutes and the last ten minutes, or, for that matter, from one five minute chunk to the next. That irks me a bit, but it doesn't ruin my enjoyment of it, which is immense. The lyrics are utterly fantastic as well, as is usual for Meshuggah.

Can't wait for the next album.
I have been a Meshuggah fan a long time.
-I- is good but I will wait for Catch 33. Hope
I don't have a long wait.
When was the last time these guys were here in
the states and touring? I need a Jens/Haake/Thordendal fix!
last time i saw them was with tool, promoting nothing. before that was with slayer off of chaosphere. so yeah, it's been a while. they may have been over and i've missed them.

wonder if "I" will ever be played live...i mean, there's so much other stuff, and for that to take up 20'd still be amazing though. hopefully I is just to hold us over and then after the new stuff they'll come over and blow us away.
It is a great song, I just chose to divide it into 3 different songs(mp3 format) which makes it a lot easier to listen to(and how often can you listen to a 20 minute song).