metal 2005

Oh, so it is. I stand corrected, I heard the release date was january.

It wasn't at jb yesterday though, which is gay.

Isis are the best, seriously Brian. They make Cult of Luna look like amateurs.
spawn said:
It sounds more like "Ive been getting fucked in the arse for the last 10 years and think that In Flames is still cutting edge"...

Im just going to download all the tracks anyway, so if its shit I wont worry!

Use Emule, instead of downloading tracks singuarly, you can download the whole album in the same bitrate in 1 archive. It's a time saver.
I dont find it is, it takes too long to find other people who have it, and its a hell of a lot slower than Kazaa lite because you have to upload at the same time, whereas I can turn that off with Kazaa.
Blitzy, Scott Stapp is releasing an album next year that he is writing with The Tea Party as well :rock:
Kiddies, has anyone heard the new Mastadon CD? I'd never heard of them and then suddenly a few weeks back their CD suddenly appeared at JB with fancy packaging and quotes about them being Metallica meets Rush. I'm intrigued.
Ive got both their albums, and they arent Metallica meets Rush, but they are pretty good, I havent really given them much of a listen as I get a lot of cds at once so I havent gotten around to giving them a proper listen. Leviathan is a concept album about Moby Dick though, that rules :notworthy
Oh, they are heavy, and have time changes, so thats where the Metallica meets Rush thing comes from.
spawn said:
It sounds more like "Ive been getting fucked in the arse for the last 10 years and think that In Flames is still cutting edge"...

Im just going to download all the tracks anyway, so if its shit I wont worry!
You would imagine that being fucked in the arse for the last 10 years would lead to heavier song writing, or at least something akin to Storm of the Light's Bane, rather than a step backwards to a half-arsed version of Soundtrack to Your Escape.

Like I said before, I just hope the rest of the album is better than the clip of the first single.
Well, I was thinking, if we only heard a clip of Where Dead Angels Lie before the release of SOTLB then we might think the same as we do now about this album, maybe its one of the melodic style ones in that vein and the rest is thrashy/heavy. Hopefully...
I downloaded and listened to Leviathan this morning. Not godlike. Actually nothing flash at all. I stopped halfway through it and changed to Blaze - Blood and Belief.
spawn said:
Well, I was thinking, if we only heard a clip of Where Dead Angels Lie before the release of SOTLB then we might think the same as we do now about this album, maybe its one of the melodic style ones in that vein and the rest is thrashy/heavy. Hopefully...
I guess if we only heard a clip of one of the acoustic instrumentals from The Somberlain before it's release then would also get the wrong impression.

Where Dead Angels Lie is a kick-ass song though.
I think 3 out of 5. Said it was "a pretty good album, and their best since Rust in Piece (Probably the last great metal album)"

Can't remember anything else. Rattled off some of the songs on the album and said one of them was a shot at Metallica
I think its definitely one of the best on the album actually, along with Die Dead Enough :notworthy :notworthy