Metal 2017

New Warbringer. Good thrash band. @Baroque

Warbringer is one of the better newer thrash bands yeah. Hadn't heard this song by them yet though, thanks. It's interesting to see how much the sound has changed with so many new members. This sounds like John Kevill is running the show now. It's somewhat less pissed off than some of their other material but I still enjoyed it.

I saw them live before they broke up a few times, they were perhaps at their best then. Actually I saw them after they broke up too, when members of Exmortus and Bonded by Blood were subbing in. I'm hopeful that this new Warbringer will find its groove though. Will check out the full album.
New Warbringer. Good thrash band. @Baroque

I just read what the song is about and now the lyrics and video make a lot more sense. Killer song.

"The idea for the song came from a particularly chilling detail found at Hiroshima and Nagasaki; when the atomic bombs went off the shadows of people whose bodies were vaporized still remain burned onto the walls and the ground where they once stood. To me, this is goddamn horrifying. I thought- "What if the souls of those dead remain trapped in the shadows?"

The idea was to have the song written from a future where civilization has failed, the Earth is in ruins and the few remaining survivors live a horrible existence. The untold millions of shadows from this future, burnt into stone, look back at us in the present time and judge us for bringing about the apocalypse that, though we saw it coming, we did nothing to avoid."
I find it pretty cool that that Memoriam band got the original Bolt Thrower drummer back to play on that album. I didn't even know that Kiddie only played on Honor-Valour-Pride and Those Once Loyal and wasn't an original member.