Metal 2017

Maybe. That album art is fucking warped. Want it on vinyl and shirt. My Diabolical Conquest shirt is starting to get full of holes so I even have an excuse.
Appreciating my extra day of free time here with a (so far) top 5 of 2017! First are some albums of note that aren't quite top 5 material that are, say, 8.5/10 or better and are top 10 contenders for year's end.

Spaceslug - Time Travel Dilemma (Stoner/Space Rock)
Hellripper - Coagulating Darkness (Black/Trad)
Dopelord - Children Of The Haze (Stoner/Sludge)
Horn - Turm Am Hang (Black/Folk)
Slaegt - Domus Mysterium (Trad/Black)
Mastodon - Emperor of Sand (Prog)
Havukruunu - Kelle Surut Soi (Atmoblack)
Ordos - House Of The Dead (Stoner/Doom)
Fen - Winter (Atmoblack)

5) Electric Moon - Stardust Rituals
Not really metal being more of a Psych/Stoner album, but relevant to interests around here and so good I had to include it in the list. Might have placed higher, but being so borderline metal it slots last. Mellow as fuck but still holds your attention. Give it a listen even if it's not your style.


4) Bestia Arcana - Holókauston
You could say atmospheric Black/Death since it is true, but it's really too pummeling to quite deserve that tag. Occult really is the right word. Splits the difference between Naas Alcameth's Nightbringer and one of my all time favorites in Akhlys' The Dreaming I. This exceeds Nightbringer's release from this year by quite a margin. Nightbringer can at times be a touch too dissonant for my liking though, so there's that bias.


3) Nokturnal Mortum - Істина / Verity
Okay, not quite The Voice of Steel, but close for some great Pagan/Blackened Folk. If you like that album you'll like this one. It leans a little harder to the folk side, and moments feels somewhat... forced, but I like what they're forcing so *shrug*.


2) Venenum - Trance Of Death
Weird, melodic yet dissonant psychedelic/atmospheric death metal. They remind me of the DM version of Oranssi Pazuzu. Not really sure what to say here as it's just a great album. I don't typically care much for DM, but this does something special for me. Note in particular the track "Trance Of Death Part I: Reflections."


1) The Ruins of Beverast - Exuvia

Black, Doom, Folk/Ritual Ambient elements. Has a very hypnotic dark shaman ritualistic quality matching quite well with the cover art. Discounting the fact that this album is just so cohesive and strong overall, it hits pretty much all of my genre high points. It will take a monster of an album to unseat this as AOTY. LISTEN TO THIS NOW!

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1) The Obsessed - Sacred
2) Dread Sovereign - For Doom the Bells Toll
3) Satan's Hallow - Satan's Hallow
4) Goatmoon - Stella Polaris

That's literally all I've heard this year.
I wish the new Dread Sovereign didnt suck.

Top shit from this year so far for me....

Full Lengths. Only counting shit I currently own, I have a lot of black metal to buy but its not stateside yet.

Obituary - S/T
Power Trip - Nightmare Logic
Black Magick SS - Kaleidoscope Dreams
Pallbearer - Heartlesss
Disharmony - Goddamn the Sun
Possesion - Exorkizein
The Great Old Ones - Esoteric Order of Dagon: A Tale of Dark Legacy
Occvlta - Night Without End
Perverted Ceremony - Sabbat of Behezeal

EPs/Demos (havent heard much)

Cult Of Eibon - Lycan Twilight Sorcery
Hellfire Deathcult - Death Worship
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I'm definitely behind in buying 2017 shit.

Possession - Exorkizein
Perverted Ceremony - Sabbat of Behezaël
Ironhawk - Cemetery of Steel
Kulturkampf - Conqueror Genesis
Torpedo - Flaming Steel Attack
The new Broken Hope finally got leaked.

This is some saucy vintage doom/occult rock shit with a lady singer.

Classic heavy metal magick.

Folk metal, not bad.

For Doom the Bell Tolls is a mess because its 37 minutes long, 5 minutes of instrumentals, 5 minutes of a venom cover that isnt good... and 3 songs. It should have been an ep. Strip it down to a 27 minute cassette and I at least wouldnt feel so cheated by what it cost. Literally the most disappointing thing I've bought this year.

Edit: I didnt expect Broken Hope to sound like slam.

Hey @CASSETTEISGOD is that 777 song a single from a full length? I eat that shit up. It's weird that all the people that used to trash talk the whole occult doom rock thing seem to be gone.
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Yeah I have a few of their albums. The riffs aren't as compelling on this track, seems more like their Become the Sun material. For Egypt albums I'd go:

Endless Flight
Cyclopean Riffs
Become the Sun

I'll check out the rest of the album when it's released though, thanks.

But yeah Endless Flight is a very close second. These guys are masters of the blue-based stoner rock/doom riff, it doesn't get much better in the style. Add in those passionate/well-timed vocals and you have what would be a classic if this genre had more followers. Sci-fi lyrics are a bonus.
Cryptic Brood - Slurping Reeking Slime
(Gore-soaked death/doom from Germany.)

Insulters - Bang your Fucking Skull
(Spanish black/thrash madness.)

Disma - The Graveless Remains
(Mid-paced, glacial death metal mastery from New Jersey.)

Hellwell - It's Alive
(Doomy progressive heavy metal and side project of Mark from Manilla Road.)

Cruthu - The Angle of Eternity
(Slightly psychedelic true doom from Michigan.)

Confess - Strange Kind of Affection
(Classic speed/heavy metal from Sweden with a possible mainstream appeal.)

Moongates Guardian - I Sit Beside the Fire and Think
(Epic Tolkienite black metal with a heavy lean towards atmosphere.)

Steel Seal - Never Die
(Neoclassical power metal from Italy.)

Lord Vigo - Great City in the Sky
(Epic Teutonic doom metal!)

Fatherland - Tämä Kansa
(NSBM from Finland, I've spun this one a lot and each time I like it even more.)
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Hey @CASSETTEISGOD is that 777 song a single from a full length? I eat that shit up. It's weird that all the people that used to trash talk the whole occult doom rock thing seem to be gone.

So after you asked I went to their Facebook to see if there was any information, all I could find was a fan asking if there will be an album and they responded by saying "later this year" so I suppose it is a kind of teaser single. They're pretty mysterious as a band though.