Metal 2017

Okay old man
Black Label Society is good, but they're not fit to polish Judas Priest's hairy English nuts as far as I'm concerned. Saxon or Loudness either. Corrosion of Conformity is definitely not in that league. We're talking all time heavyweights, not middle of the road stuff.
Have you seen Batushka live? They are coming to Stockholm next year, think I will go and see them, looks like a cool show. :)

I grabbed this cd now that Metal Blade reissued it. Avoided the original presses because of a bunch of horror stories from the label, including sending a box full of kitchen trash along with a record. It's funny how quickly the underground turned on them after that. They're interesting but I havent actually listened to the cd in full yet.
Doubtful it would do much for you.

I like black metal but it generally doesn't do much for me like others here yes. What I mean by that is: I like it enough to keep exploring the genre, but I'm not going to go out and buy a random third tier black metal band's back catalog because they are a Burzum clone or something like that. There are still first tier bands I need to explore within the genre tbh.

The only black metal bands that I would put in a Top X metal bands list right now are (definitely) Immortal and (maybe) Burzum.
I’ll just say I don’t think anyone is seeking out “third rate burzum clones.”

Black metal is just a giant fucking sub genre umbrella and there’s just a ridiculous amount of variety.

I’m not big on second wave stuff myself. I’m much happier with bands like Windir or Nokturnal Mortum or black thrash

Oh and the hot ticket right now is uber raw bands from Portugal riding Black Cilice’s coattails and skjold Records in general. Most of it sounds shitty.

Hopefully that’s readable I spoke it into my phone going down the road