Metal 2020

One link turned into a few turned into a landslide. Click the spoiler at your own fucking peril.

Cali prog-death/thrash.

Czech "epic" black metal, doing it weird as usual like Czechs always do. It's a double album.

5 years after their comeback album, these French cunts are shitting out another deathgrind attack.

German "epic" doom metal.

German death metal featuring the drummer from that black/speed band Nuctemeron. Influenced by all the classic occult/Lovecraftian death metal bands.

Interesting mixture of brutal death metal, war metal, grindcore and riffy Bolt Thrower death metal.

Had no idea Kirk released a solo album this year.

Track from new Belgian thrash band's debut EP. This rips!

One-man black/thrash.

Evil German thrash metal!
One link turned into a few turned into a landslide. Click the spoiler at your own fucking peril.

Man that last Hemotoxin album was probably one of my favorite releases ever. I'm not feeling this new one as much. Maybe it'll grow on me. Or maybe the album will be more to my liking as a whole. Hopefully. Biological Enslavement was the tits. Thanks for the reminder. Playing now
Wow, other people know Hemotoxin? I saw them at a local bar show once, there was a crowd of like 12 regulars who had no idea wtf was going on, and me headbanging. Lead singer was a super nice dude, just grateful someone liked their band and we had a conversation about Death. I bought a shirt
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Wow, other people know Hemotoxin? I saw them at a local bar show once, there was a crowd of like 12 regulars who had no idea wtf was going on, and me headbanging. Lead singer was a super nice dude, just grateful someone liked their band and we had a conversation about Death. I bought a shirt

I only know of them because they're on the same label (unspeakable axe) my old band (sadistic ritual) is currently on. That's really sad to hear they had such a small turnout. I hope that was a long time ago because they absolutely deserve some recognition.
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May 1

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