Metal: A headbangers Journey


Proud Brisbane Metaller
Jul 28, 2001
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I know this movie has been about for a long time but I wanted to wait till it hit the big screen, and fuck, what an awesome doco, didn't learn anything new it was just an awesome doco about metal by a metalhead, if you haven't seen it yet, go watch it :headbang:
I was disappointed. Too many key bands and sub-genres left out.

While he knows a fair bit about metal I think someone like Brian would make a better doco as he really is an expert on every genre under the metal umbrella.

I didn't go see it though, I downloaded it a few months ago. Im glad I didnt pay for it..
I was happy to see that Dave and Marg liked it, despite not being fans of the devils music.

I haven't seen it myself, but shall do at some time. Would have gone to see it but I am pretty sure the local theatre isn't showing it. The artier one local one might pick it up at some stage.
The last session ever is today at 4.30 and I still haven't seen the movie despite having free tix, so I'm taking the boys out for the movie before we all head to G3... ALSO FREE!!!! THATS RIGHT EVERYONE, WE FUCKIN WON TIX TO G3, I WON A DOUBLE, AND MY MATE FREAKISHLY WON A DOUBLE FROM THE SAME COMP!!! THIS IS FUCKIN AWESOME!!! A BIG METALLY DAY AND ITS ALL FREE!!!!