Metal: A Headbanger's Journey

I thought that overall it was very well done and presented metal to the rest of the world as a very viable form of music....the only flaw with I think is that it was just a small tiny overview of the metal world, and I didn't exactly agree with his metal 'family tree' groupings....and he COMPLETELY forgot about doom metal and just grouped a couple of bands (Paradise Lost, MDB)with goth metal or something like that...

That said, the only way that he could truly cover the depth of metal would be to make this into a 10 part series with one genre/subgenre/subsubgenre for each part...or do something chronological/geographical....

Hopefully he's already considered that and we'll see more of this in the future!
Triste said:
....and he COMPLETELY forgot about doom metal and just grouped a couple of bands (Paradise Lost, MDB)with goth metal or something like that...

Yeah, I was surprised he didn't mention doom at all; it's too big of a subgenre to be overlooked! I hope the documentary inspires fans of metal-core / nu-metal to broaden their interests.
twilightsrobe said:
Yeah, I was surprised he didn't mention doom at all; it's too big of a subgenre to be overlooked! I hope the documentary inspires fans of metal-core / nu-metal to broaden their interests.

Thats actually one of the issues I have with the film. He completely misses Doom, its evolution into Doom-Death, Funeral Doom etc. Doom is a very interesting kind of metal, and he gave it no attention.

As for Ghaal. I have such little respect for that man (although Gorgoroth are cool). I didnt even laugh when I saw the film (as funny as that part is) because he's trying to be dead serious.

Ghaal is exactly what a Satanist shouldnt be. A buffoon, an idiot, immature fucking poser.

A real Satanist should be keeping it private, or making intelligent statements and acting far more civilised that this fucking animal Ghaal is. He's a fucking disgrace.
Triste said:
the only flaw with I think is that it was just a small tiny overview of the metal world, and I didn't exactly agree with his metal 'family tree' groupings....and he COMPLETELY forgot about doom metal and just grouped a couple of bands (Paradise Lost, MDB)with goth metal or something like that...

I completely agree. I wouldnt exactly place Opeth under gothic metal either.
The Hubster said:
Thats actually one of the issues I have with the film. He completely misses Doom, its evolution into Doom-Death, Funeral Doom etc. Doom is a very interesting kind of metal, and he gave it no attention.

As for Ghaal. I have such little respect for that man (although Gorgoroth are cool). I didnt even laugh when I saw the film (as funny as that part is) because he's trying to be dead serious.

Ghaal is exactly what a Satanist shouldnt be. A buffoon, an idiot, immature fucking poser.

A real Satanist should be keeping it private, or making intelligent statements and acting far more civilised that this fucking animal Ghaal is. He's a fucking disgrace.
ghaal is probably trying to be funny the way fenriz was back in the day with the silly comments.
i just heard the new gorgoroth and it's actually better than i expected. i liked some of antichrist and under the sign of hell and there might be a couple decent bm songs here, too. nothing to get too excited over, though.
Metal_Rocker said:
Does anybody know the name of that song playing during the black metal scene in Norway?

Enslaved - Havenless or Queen of the Night...cant remember.
Metal_Rocker said:
Does anybody know the name of that song playing during the black metal scene in Norway?

If you're referring to the scene when Sam is on a train, and then showing parts of him standing next to the sword sculptures, then that is:

Enslaved: "Havenless"
Taken from Enslaved's "Below The Lights" album
The Hubster said:
If you're referring to the scene when Sam is on a train, and then showing parts of him standing next to the sword sculptures, then that is:

Enslaved: "Havenless"
Taken from Enslaved's "Below The Lights" album
The norwegian lyrics in the start and the end kicks infinite amounts of asses :kickass:
The Hubster said:
If you're referring to the scene when Sam is on a train, and then showing parts of him standing next to the sword sculptures, then that is:

Enslaved: "Havenless"
Taken from Enslaved's "Below The Lights" album

That's it, thank you
I also wanted to point out that anyone who has previously doubted Angela Gossow's vocals needs to see her section of this film. Her performance is simply astounding, honestly when I first heard I thought they'd played a track over the top of the film. But no, she genuinley performs Silent Wars and is genuinley amazing. Bare in mind I'm a big advocate of Arch Enemy, I don't listen to them anywhere near as much as I used to, but they were the first MeloDeath Metal band I listened and I always give props to Angela, because I think she is a hell of a lot more talented than many male death metal vocalsist. Plus, I don't know, it might just be the accent, or the bright lipstick, but for some reason I think she looks really hot in her interview.
I was at a friend's house the other night, having a few beers with a bunch of guys and ladies that are more into indie rock than anything else. From a distance, I saw that the TV was on and suddenly I see Varg Vikernes on screen! Haha, I was like "What the..." I watched the re-run of the documentary yesterday and thought it was a very very good documentary. I might even pick it up on DVD if I get the chance.