Metal: A Headbanger's Journey

I really didn't like it. Thought it was completely cheese, all these cliched metalheads defining the genre on such superficial elements, "leather is a big part of metal". I love metal, but I couldn't relate to a single person in the movie.

And probably along the same lines, I thought Mayhem was easily the best part of the movie. There are no boundaries, no rules, no matter how much the guy tried to put metalheads into a box.
If anything their are a few who represent the stereotypical 'metalhead', the kind of people who use the term 'metalhead' without being slightly ironic. The 13 year old girl who said the message was "Fuck you!" I really couldn't stand, but she's young and I remember when I was like that once. overall though I thought the likes of Corey Taylor and Tom Araya came off as a hell of a lot more intelligent than I thought. The black metal artists came off a dicks though, but that's because they are.
AFairJudgement0 said:
I just watched this movie the other night, and as a university student that is studying culture and music I found this movie quite interesting. As far as I know this is one of the only movies made around the culture of Metal and as a late comer to the metal scene myself I wanted to know what other metal heads thought of it. So, if you've seen it tell me what you think, if you haven't go and watch it!

When I first heard of it I thought it would be about that damn gheyass hair metal shit. But it turns out to be talking about Mayhem and other Norweigan black metal bands. I was extremely pleased:headbang:
Triste said:
That said, the only way that he could truly cover the depth of metal would be to make this into a 10 part series with one genre/subgenre/subsubgenre for each part...or do something chronological/geographical....

Hopefully he's already considered that and we'll see more of this in the future!

Yep, he's already said he's working on another metal doco about local scenes around the world.

The Gaahl moment is good, but the interview with Necrobutcher was absolute gold. Here 'tis -
I think the film has moments of truth with each of us, from that girls statement of "fuck you", to that American soldier guy's statement of "I'm not into this to be fucking cool or GQ, etc etc".

I must admit, while the girl seems immature, I have to agree with her: why the fuck should I do what everyone else is doing? Why the fuck should I join the herd of capitalistic, conservative sheep? Fuck off, not interested in that life at all and I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking this.

One day she will have much deeper reasons for not joining the herd, but for now, at 13 yrs old, metal is her safe haven, and if she chooses to say "Fuck You", then good on her. Thats just the expression she is using for now.

Talking Meat said:
I really didn't like it. Thought it was completely cheese, all these cliched metalheads defining the genre on such superficial elements, "leather is a big part of metal". I love metal, but I couldn't relate to a single person in the movie.

You have to remember that this movie is not for metalheads, it is for the blind fucking herd. It speaks in simplistic ways to a simplistic people.
If you're speaking in terms of the basic fundamentals required for modern living, then that is inescapable, no matter what political leaning you have.
She's talking about rebellion, which at the age she was at (14?) is probably the most important thing you're doing. She's probably not old enough to realise that she's probably never going to actaully change anything, like most of us. There again she also lucky enought to have the naivety to know that it's the idea that counts. For example I fully see the benifits of capitalism and will no doubt continue to perpetuate it in my own way by paying taxes, working, spending money, using it's healthcare system etc but this still doesn't change the fact that my politics are ultimatly marxist.

And it's worth pointing out that that guy was a marine, not just a soldier. Small distinction to some, but I think people deserve to be recongnised.
For me, it looks like she's saying fuck you to one herd, while joining another. I was never like that. I find it ridiculous...
I really like the documentary. Excellent general info about heavy metal movement.
Stupid premise, stupid choice of interviews, stupid film. Anyone who gives it a more serious examination than that is even more stupid than the film itself.