Metal Campers just goto Ragnarok

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Here's what I've been able to find:

Skyforger at last year's fest:

And just for good measure from last year's fest:

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I did Inferno fest in Oslo Norway in 2006 and then an expanded europe trip this past July to Czech republic, northern germany, and holland. I did meet some friends along the way but I basically did trip alone.

It would be cool to do things in groups but I don't let things like that stop
Mike go to metal camp, Nergal commands it!

Sean said:
I did Inferno fest in Oslo Norway in 2006 and then an expanded europe trip this past July to Czech republic, northern germany, and holland. I did meet some friends along the way but I basically did trip alone.

Sean, do you have pics and tales from this adventure?
I get you. In theory for me, I'd fly in for Ragnarok and then come straight back home so the only time I'd be outdoors is walking from hotel to venue.

Actually, I don't even think I'd see my folks in London because it would just add another itinerary stop on the journey. Return flights from NY to Frankfurt in March were $400 as of last week.

I know I will enjoy eating at some of the local restaurants as fest food always kills me plus as I am limited in what I can eat, I usually can't rely on fest food.
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