Metal Fan Art!


Lost Pet Needs Home
Jun 24, 2002
It's been awhile since I've posted anything here. I've been busy! Sorry about that guys!! I'm back now though. As far as my site goes, I'm working on a new section, and I've added a "Fan Art" section.

If ANYONE has any kind of art they've done that's been inspired by a certian band email it to me and I'll put it up. It doesn't matter what type of art, it can be a painting, a drawing, a sculpture, hell, even paper mache! . FULL credit will be given to you for your work. Your name will be posted under the picture of your project along with what type of project it is (painting etc.), the date it was made, and the date it was put online.
I'm working on an oil painting of the Arch Enemy logo at the moment, as well as a Katatonia one, so that should be up in a few days.

So! I want art!! Get to emailing!

It's great to be back. Hope I wasn't forgotten!
How is everyone?
no fan art from me.... i just cant pant anyhting mre than a one line man..or whatever you call them.. :)

to answer your q... i think everyone is anxious about the new album... am i wrong, anyone? :grin:
I would like to do some artwork inspired by katatonia music...I'm quite good at drawing, it's only a question of time and "inspiration". Anyways if you think it's interesting, I made once a portrait of Anders...dunno if it can be cosidered "art inspired by a certain band"...:)
Anyways, u had a good idea doing this site and I will be glad to participate somehow to it!
Hobo: I'm just as anxious for the new album as anyone else! :)

ether: Oh wow! Your portriat of Anders sounds interesting :) I'd like to see.
Thanks for the compliment :) I'm hoping if I keep working at it, that I'll make something of the site and move it off of crappy Geocities one day :p
hi ,i'm new here (just recently bought my first katatonia-cd)

i have some drawings ,(would'nt call it art though),and sketches ,caricatures mainly .
i'd like to post them , if you tell me your e-mail address

btw good idea this metal fan art !
hi, cerulean !
i bought Last fair deal gone down,and i really like it though i've only listened to it a few times
it's really great to be on this board and learn about new bands(new to me anyway)

about the drawings : this thread makes me eager to start drawing again. i've gathered lots of anathema pictures lately , and i'm going to check them out later today

btw you do artschool don't you ? any metal art ?
Originally posted by Bastet

btw you do artschool don't you ? any metal art ?
Yeah I'm in the art academy of Aalst but we don't do anything related to metal there :) And at home I don't have much time to draw, I think I'll force myself to draw some Anathema portrets though. IF I find interesting pictures.
And for the rest... well, sometimes I make logos myself of existing or imagined bands :), all kinds of drawing styles, graffiti, black metal, death metal, etc