Metal Fans Liberal or Conservative?

Jan 27, 2012
Not to start a political discussion I was simply thinking about this while watching a Behind the Music on Ted Nugent. I thought about Dave Mustaine being a conservative, Tom Morrell and Chris Cornell liberal, and wonder what the dynamics are overall. I'm very liberal, and had assumed many metal fans would be, but viewing posts on Blabbermouth from time to time seems alot are very conservative politically. Just curious what my PPUSA brothers and sisters think.
When I was alot younger, I always thought metal was more liberal as well, but as I grew up I realized that most metalheads were anti-government libertarian types. I would say that in terms of economic issues especially. Socially, finding a liberal metalhead is like finding a needle in a haystack. Most metalheads are very racist, homophobic, intolerant, etc. Not this board, but unfortunately this board is a rare diamond in the rough. Most other metal boards are absolute cesspools (if I had 50 bucks for every time a metal band had to close its forum or enforce heavy moderation restrictions specifically due to out of control racism, elitistm, and homophobia, I could quit my job and make a living off of doing that).

Punk and hardcore are typically more liberal when it comes to the fans/genre's lyrics, etc.
I imagine we run the full spectrum, although there probably is a Libertarian tilt, especially among prog metal fans. At least, that has been my observation.
Personaly speaking I am fiscally conservative and have a liberal lifestyle. What I mean by having a liberal lifestyle is living in a manner that only I choose (not the government, religious group, or orther entity), as long as I do not inflict harm upon another human being. Now, I'm not gay or a homophobic and I don't use drugs. I am tolerant of others, or least try to be.

If anything...I am a liberatarian at heart. \../
Based upon my PP USA Facebook friends - I've seen it from ultra conservative to ultra liberal, to libertarian and everywhere else in between.

I'm moderately conservative myself, but FYI I don't like any of the GOP candidates nor do I like the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC.
If my Facebook circle is any indication, metal fans run the full political spectrum - from right to far right! I'm more or less a typical liberal, but I try not to evangelize...too much.
I consider myself a conservative. I'm a devout Roman Catholic. Always have been and always will be. But, the one thing I'll never agree with the GOP on is the destruction of labor unions. I'm a vice president in my union and considering a run for president in two years when our contract is up.
I've mostly shifted from Super Liberal to more Libertarian myself as I get older. I abhor the camouflage of "religion" in politics (I would bet most people who run the US Government are actually non-believers and laughing at the religious people who keep voting them into office and keep up the masquerade to maintain power and control...much like through out history), I find both parties corrupt to the core, and every day I believe the world is coming closer to a full global revolution to bring down the powerful that are too few exerting too much control over too many.

My opinion is over the top though, or part of me believes it is. I sure as fuck wouldn't vote for me if I ran for anything. I'm too opinionated. I voted for Obama, and while I think he's doing a fucking marvelous job compared to the previous 8 years (and a clear social ally to non-straight white male demographics), I'm not overly pleased on a number of issues, to the point I will very likely write in my vote this year for Ron Paul. Wasted vote? Maybe. Do I care? Not really. Romney or Obama, they're both the same person in a different mask.

I think Ron Paul could right the ship, or at least try to. I hope he runs as a 3rd Candidate.
In my humble opinion, i think that the people on the PP forum are more Libertarian than anything else. As AS said the members of this forum are not racist, not homophobic, or intolerant. We here accept everyone for their true value, not for their political views. There are some ultra Liberals on here and some Ultra Conservatives, and everything in between. But at the days end we all want the same thing, what is good for our country, and ALL its people.
Moderate Conservative here. Conservative on the economic front and fairly liberal on the social issues. Not thrilled with any of the candidates and will vote for Paul in the primary. If he's not on the general election ballot, I'll be writing in "no confidence". I'm in agreement with Nailz, Romney and Obama are the same politican with different parties attached to their name. I'd love to see some more blue dogs and tea party candidates run, just to change the parties up and get some fresh blood. We have too many career politicians right now for anything meaningful to happen.
I support the right to bear arms, hunting, gay marriage, and planned parenthood (as an example.) The first two are generally associated with "conservatives" and the last two with "liberals." Because I see validity to, and support certain topics on both sides, I consider myself a moderate.
I'd say libertarian, but it's mostly in terms of social permissiveness. I'm okay (and encourage, in some cases) pretty much anything. Drugs, speech, expression, marriage (Homosexual marriage, group marriage marriage.) So long as nobody's being hurt or coerced.

Fiscally, I don't really know where I stand because I don't know shit about economics, and I won't pretend to.

However, I think if you're not looking at things on a case-to-case basis, you're a blockhead. Change your view to fit reality, not change reality to fit your view.

I can't think of any group that wouldn't have some significant representation within the blanket metulhed community, except maybe fundamentalist conservative religious types, and feminists. Certain branches of it, are likely to see some disproportionally large representation of a given political bent. Probably a lot of racists in black metal communities, and for-serious douchebags in Pantera communities.
Another libertarian here. "Small-L" libertarian, in case anyone's keeping track; the "big-L" Libertarians keep on nominating Republicans for office where I live.

I'd say libertarian, but it's mostly in terms of social permissiveness. I'm okay (and encourage, in some cases) pretty much anything. Drugs, speech, expression, marriage (Homosexual marriage, group marriage marriage.) So long as nobody's being hurt or coerced.

Fiscally, I don't really know where I stand because I don't know shit about economics, and I won't pretend to.

If you're interested, below is a long article that I read which gave me a pretty good understanding of the libertarian side of basic economics and monetary policy. It's broken up into nice bite-size chunks.
I've always hated pigeon holing ourselves into one thing or another. I do tend to say I'm liberal, but that's more (no offense to anyone on here) so people don't get the idea that I'm conservative. Haha. I just don't look at things as black and white. Like Orbweaver, I like to come up with my own opinions on things instead of the whole to be of said group A you have to believe in blah, blah, blah but to be in said group b you have to believe in yadda, yadda, yadda. That just isn't natural in my opinion, so I tend to call myself a non-conformist for lack of a better term.
As a young lad growing up in the Deep South all I knew was conservatism, so that's what I went with. After having grown up and watched enough conservatives and "conservatives" I can no longer really attach that moniker to myself with any kind of conscience. If anything I'm libertarian. I don't agree with a lot of libertarian policies, particularly in the economics department. Socially though that would be me all the way. I don't see the point in getting riled up over someone else's preferences on almost anything if they're not harming your or your quality of life.

I am prejudiced against dumb people though, wherever that falls on the spectrum. I also can't abide blatantly racist, homophobic, or bigoted douches. They really grind my nerves.

I've got opinions on the far left and far right on certain issues though, so I suppose I boil down to "moderate" or "centrist" with a libertarian slant.
I'm a conservative on the original forefathers core values of smaller government, pro-capitalism, and fair tax. Aside from that I have liberal leanings on the moralistic side, and on an economic side tend to be more liby than conserv.... But, when it comes to true politics, it never really is as easy as black and white, being one sided across the board through and through... If that was the case, the world would be a really boring place. :)
I was raised liberal (although not with that word - politics were almost never discussed in the house when I was a kid, but I was raised by a social worker who taught me with relevant examples that skin color, economical status, religion, and sexual orientation were no basis on which to treat people differently), and I usually fall into small-l libertarianism on social matters.
I definitely feel like metal fans in general are further to the right than I am, even here in Scandinavia. And I'm a left-leaning moderate in Swedish terms (which would probably be considered "far-left", certainly to the left of Obama, in America). I suspect the metal community has a higher-than-usual degree of relatively apolitical people though.