Metal Fans Liberal or Conservative?

However, the truth is, there are drastic differences between the two parties. Taxes, health insurance, abortion, civil rights, women's rights, marriage equality, climate change, minimum wage, financial regulation, immigration, guns, etc.

It is true that there are large differences between the democrat and republican bases back home, but in washington the leadership of the two parties are not very different. Publically they will talk like they are, but that is all for our consumption.

edited: I had originally written a long piece here, but in hindsight realized it doesn't really matter. So its gone.
It is true that there are large differences between the democrat and republican bases back home, but in washington the leadership of the two parties are not very different. Publically they will talk like they are, but that is all for our consumption.
I'm as frustrated as anyone with what goes on in DC. But even there, you still see many of these doctrinal positions being fought over. As soon as the new GOP-led congress came in, two of the first things they did was to attack Roe vs. Wade and try to push through the XL pipeline. As soon as tomorrow we're looking at a possible shutdown of the DHS, as a result of the immigration battle. While I agree that these parties are corrupt, and I wholeheartedly support campaign finance reform and term limits, I think Washington's battle lines are pretty clearly drawn. Just my $0.02.
While I agree that these parties are corrupt, and I wholeheartedly support campaign finance reform and term limits, I think Washington's battle lines are pretty clearly drawn. Just my $0.02.

Term limits... YES. If only..

There is a possiblity of a convention of the states under article 5 of the constitution. It seems pretty clear that if there is to be change, it will have to come from outside DC. ...And it looks like an article 5 convention could actually happen. I sure hope so.
There is a possiblity of a convention of the states under article 5 of the constitution. It seems pretty clear that if there is to be change, it will have to come from outside DC. ...And it looks like an article 5 convention could actually happen. I sure hope so.
I'm hardly a constitutional purist, but I'd be leery of letting this bunch of jagweeds put pen to paper. We'd likely end up with a system of government that required all new laws to be blessed by Jesus and ExxonMobil. :loco:
I do not like politicians in general.
They start wars, they violate freedoms, and they lie all of the time.
I'm a liberal, though.

James Hetfield is a conservative.
Dave Mustaine is NOT a conservative. He is an independent.
So is Scott Ian.
The Black Sabbath members all seem like liberals.

Ted Nugent sucks.

I think that heavy metal is more liberal and libertarian than conservative.
"Don't try to adjust your set, I am in control for the next couple of minutes"

How many of you can say this? "I have lived under 11 presidents and so many changes in Congress I can't even count. I have seen this nation go from the mightiest nation on earth, the nation of free speech, free expression, a nation that recognized we had a problem concerning race, and racism, a nation where children had respect for teachers, and other adults, a nation where being just who you were didn't matter, and now look at this country. I will let you all reflect on what you see, it's your opinion and your eyes that are looking at our nation, not just mine. I have seen more, experienced more, lived through more than most of you have so I have a rather nostalgic take on things. I love this country, and what it stands for "Freedom", I love our Constitution, hell I took oaths to obey, uphold and defend it against all enemies foreign and domestic(how many of you have done that) I am still defending it to this day. It saddens me so much to see politicians and political wantabees bashing our country, its laws, and it's people. But there maybe hope, I don't know. "The Greatest Generation" are leaving us, My generation are frustrated, angry, and sad at what we see, on both sides of the political aisle. We need to say "Fu*k the parties, and work on what is good for our country as a whole, not just what is good for this group or that group, or this bunch of fishes, man I love this country, I will defend it, I am willing to die for it, and the fundamentals it was founded on, Who else will say that? Okay off my soapbox, and back to Capt Kangaroo, and Mr Green Jeans.
"I now return control of your TV to you"
a nation that recognized we had a problem concerning race, and racism, a nation where children had respect for teachers, and other adults, a nation where being just who you were didn't matter, and now look at this country.

I am just discussing here, not angry or arguing (sorry it is hard to read tone on message board sometimes). But I would disagree with these statements. While we still are in denial about racism, sexism and classism; these discussions have never been more tolerated then they are now. While something like Gamergate might seem to go against what I said, this was mostly just anonymous internet hate speech and not actual physical danger that existed in the past.

Beware of the nostalgia for the old days and how much better things were. People talk about how much better our country used to be in terms of freedom and family values. Well, like all things, that is subjective. In terms of freedoms and "who you were did not matter" in society there really has been no better time than now. If you have been a member of a group that has historically not been in power (racial minority, female, gay, etc) the amount of acceptance and opportunity have has never been better. Often politicians will fall into the trap of romanticizing the 50's or some other era that has been labeled as "the wholesome good ole days". Well these were the good ole days if you were white and male (which most of our politicians are), but I doubt many women or racial minorities are pining for those days.

There was also a great book called The Way We Never Were which talks about the myths of decaying families that people have put forward. While we do have problems, they are not unique or catastrophically worse, especially when compared to a bygone era that never existed.

Don't get me wrong, we have problems in this country (I just listened to an episode of This American Life about achievement gaps in education that was so depressing), but I would beware that nostalgia sometimes perhaps makes us see changes as worse rather than different.
I wrote the above not out of anger but more out of sadness. As I said I love this country, our flag and our constitution. I love the people of this country they are the greatest people on earth, they can do anything if they set their minds to it Hell we went to the moon.

What I was meaning to say that it is sad when a country becomes so divided that we can't even agree on why the chicken crossed the road. What I see on this forum is a diverse group of people with differing views on everything(including music prog or power or thrash) pro-life, pro-choice, guns, no guns which is good, it is good in the fact they discuss, they reason they respect. That comes from a mutual respect for each other, and that person's beliefs. When they meet for PP there is no talk of why this or that, or I am against this and I hate so and so cause they believe this, no it is not like that, it is family coming together to indulge in music, drink, togetherness and mayhem. Outside of this forum it is a different story, there is very little respect for opposing views or beliefs and all there is name calling. Even though you disagreed with me, your respected my point of view, because I was seeing it thru my eyes. That is what is needed more respect for opposing views.

Okay that is enough, I am going to finish my coffee go to Mass, and after that watch some BATTLESTAR GALACTICA.
I am just discussing here, not angry or arguing (sorry it is hard to read tone on message board sometimes). But I would disagree with these statements. While we still are in denial about racism, sexism and classism; these discussions have never been more tolerated then they are now. While something like Gamergate might seem to go against what I said, this was mostly just anonymous internet hate speech and not actual physical danger that existed in the past.

Beware of the nostalgia for the old days and how much better things were. People talk about how much better our country used to be in terms of freedom and family values. Well, like all things, that is subjective. In terms of freedoms and "who you were did not matter" in society there really has been no better time than now. If you have been a member of a group that has historically not been in power (racial minority, female, gay, etc) the amount of acceptance and opportunity have has never been better. Often politicians will fall into the trap of romanticizing the 50's or some other era that has been labeled as "the wholesome good ole days". Well these were the good ole days if you were white and male (which most of our politicians are), but I doubt many women or racial minorities are pining for those days.

There was also a great book called The Way We Never Were which talks about the myths of decaying families that people have put forward. While we do have problems, they are not unique or catastrophically worse, especially when compared to a bygone era that never existed.

Don't get me wrong, we have problems in this country (I just listened to an episode of This American Life about achievement gaps in education that was so depressing), but I would beware that nostalgia sometimes perhaps makes us see changes as worse rather than different.
Oh dear J-Man! How much did your optometrist charge for that rose-tint?

the nation of free speech, free expression,

You mean the nation that brought us the PMRC in the 80's, the "code" that the movie industry self-imposed on films lasting from the 30's all the way to the 60's, the culture at large that frowned on homosexuality, inter-racial relationships, transgender people, and basically everyone and everything that didn't sync up with the white heterosexual Christian way of life in America until 10 years ago*? That free speech and expression?

a nation that recognized we had a problem concerning race, and racism,

We still very much have a problem with race and racism and refuse to do anything about it.

a nation where being just who you were didn't matter

No. 10 years ago the majority of Americans didn't want gays to rightfully get married.

What I was meaning to say that it is sad when a country becomes so divided that we can't even agree on why the chicken crossed the road. What I see on this forum is a diverse group of people with differing views on everything(including music prog or power or thrash) pro-life, pro-choice, guns, no guns which is good, it is good in the fact they discuss, they reason they respect. That comes from a mutual respect for each other, and that person's beliefs. When they meet for PP there is no talk of why this or that, or I am against this and I hate so and so cause they believe this, no it is not like that, it is family coming together to indulge in music, drink, togetherness and mayhem. Outside of this forum it is a different story, there is very little respect for opposing views or beliefs and all there is name calling. Even though you disagreed with me, your respected my point of view, because I was seeing it thru my eyes. That is what is needed more respect for opposing views.

Okay that is enough, I am going to finish my coffee go to Mass, and after that watch some BATTLESTAR GALACTICA.

On this, I agree 100%.

*edit: This goes without saying that I say this noting that there are STILL large swathes of bigots who want to actively ban gays from getting married, Muslims from practicing, trans people from... well, being trans people. Not to mention those who think it's OK to worship murderous traitors that represented a terrorist nation who killed more Americans than any other conflict in history (not to mention ENSLAVE human beings) with taxpayer money by hanging their statues and flags on state property. "Free speech" my fucking ass. Those people represent the ANTITHESIS of freedom.
Not a fan of modern conservatism. If there were repubs like Ike, then yes I would join that side. Too much hatred on the right for me, especially the ultra righties. So yes I'm a dreaded progressive... and no that doesn't mean I wanna handout. If anything though, govt should make corporations pay their fair share... and this tax inversion b.s. has gotta go.