Metal for the Brain 2003

Descend-Lunchbox said:
Bands i want to see: 2 of 33

and they are bands that i see all the time anyway.

You are a fussy fucker if you can only find 2 bands of interest , who else would you like to see that isn't on there ?

I'm happy , Captain Cleanoff , Fuck I'm Dead , LOG , POD , Alchemist , Astriaal, Dungeon , Psycroptic , Hobbs , sounds good to me .

Jacko , where did you get the full list from ?
I find it interesting that Vanishing Point are there. I'd also like to ask those of you who are saying stuff like "Oh... there's no bands on I like...": Who WOULD you like to see then? Lunchbox, weren't you the guy who said "I didn't think much of Soilwork, spent the whole gig at the bar..." You're a hard bastard to impress, aren't you?
And before anyone thinks I'm getting personal, my beef is this: Every year, the Sanigav boys spend most of the year putting this show together, and every fucking year, when the line-up's announced, a whole bunch of people go "Ooooh, what's so-and-so doing there? Why isn't so-and-so playing? How come that band's playing AGAIN? Why didn't my band get picked? Oh, there's no one playing that I like." It just shits me. All year, I've been asked "Do you know if Metal for the Brain is gonna be on again this year?" and when it's announced, everyone goes "Oh dear, the line-up's fucking crap." Well, I don't think it is crap. Except for Stockholm Syndrome (who've played what? Three gigs?) every band on there has done the mileage in some way. I don't like every band that's there - I'll definitely find something else to do while Superheist is playing - but every single one of them deserves to be there. Sure, they're not all "metal" bands - E1214 and Mindsnare are hardcore, Forte are rock, Jerk are commercial industrial goth rock - but so what? Would it be better if they just kept the line-up to underground death metal bands like it was in the old days when only a few hundred would turn up? How long do you think it would survive if that happened?
Goreripper said:
And before anyone thinks I'm getting personal, my beef is this: Every year, the Sanigav boys spend most of the year putting this show together, and every fucking year, when the line-up's announced, a whole bunch of people go "Ooooh, what's so-and-so doing there? Why isn't so-and-so playing? How come that band's playing AGAIN? Why didn't my band get picked? Oh, there's no one playing that I like." It just shits me. All year, I've been asked "Do you know if Metal for the Brain is gonna be on again this year?" and when it's announced, everyone goes "Oh dear, the line-up's fucking crap." Well, I don't think it is crap. Except for Stockholm Syndrome (who've played what? Three gigs?) every band on there has done the mileage in some way. I don't like every band that's there - I'll definitely find something else to do while Superheist is playing - but every single one of them deserves to be there. Sure, they're not all "metal" bands - E1214 and Mindsnare are hardcore, Forte are rock, Jerk are commercial industrial goth rock - but so what? Would it be better if they just kept the line-up to underground death metal bands like it was in the old days when only a few hundred would turn up? How long do you think it would survive if that happened?
Goreripper said:
And before anyone thinks I'm getting personal, my beef is this: Every year, the Sanigav boys spend most of the year putting this show together, and every fucking year, when the line-up's announced, a whole bunch of people go "Ooooh, what's so-and-so doing there? Why isn't so-and-so playing? How come that band's playing AGAIN? Why didn't my band get picked? Oh, there's no one playing that I like." It just shits me. All year, I've been asked "Do you know if Metal for the Brain is gonna be on again this year?" and when it's announced, everyone goes "Oh dear, the line-up's fucking crap." Well, I don't think it is crap. Except for Stockholm Syndrome (who've played what? Three gigs?) every band on there has done the mileage in some way. I don't like every band that's there - I'll definitely find something else to do while Superheist is playing - but every single one of them deserves to be there. Sure, they're not all "metal" bands - E1214 and Mindsnare are hardcore, Forte are rock, Jerk are commercial industrial goth rock - but so what? Would it be better if they just kept the line-up to underground death metal bands like it was in the old days when only a few hundred would turn up? How long do you think it would survive if that happened?

There is also the possibility that you may get a few more people being exposed to the underground stuff and get into it and support the scene which is always good.
im written this while im extremely hung over after my birthday last weekend where i drank for three days straight, a gig this friday night in canberra (:kickass: super bourbons :kickass: ) and drinking in sydney on saturday night with ebolie and maximum perversion. bullshit tolerance is none existent at this moment in time.

yep im a fussy fucker. i know it. but i'll still be at the gig. i bitch cause there are not many bands that im interested in. most of the bands that are around in recent years bore me. it doesn't stop me going to gigs every single fuckin weekend. i like good music. most people are making crappy music. the reason people don't come out to gigs is because the standards of bands that regularly play around the traps are crap. i wish people would have the decency to not make crappy music. but its all opinion.

i know im out of the ordinary at the moment. i don't care about melodic death or the varients. most grind core is self indulgent ADD bullshit. don't care about black metal. Im a huge fan of alchemist, have been for years, but i don't like them live, they are an excellent studio band. most the metal i listen is stuff that doesn't make me fall asleep. its bad when you feel like sleeping at a gig. its funny when its a black/death band playing brutal shit, and ill name an example, psycroptic. i've seen im twice now. first time i was slightly pissed and thought it was just my mood at the time. second time i was staight as fuck and i was bored. they aren't the only band that has done that to me.

most death/black/grind bands bore me. why? because they don't entertain me. and its only at this point in time. my opinions on what i like change. looking back at what i've listened to in years before. everytime i talk to somebody about this shit, i ask them to tell me bands they would recommend that i'd never heard of. i normally find something on the net or in a store somewhere. i'd listen. very fucking rarely would something interest me.

concerning soilwork, it was me who said that. id only heard the last two albums and noone i knew could be bothered copying or lending me the albums to listen to before the gig. so i just got really fuckin drunk. i watched em. listened. every now and then they did something good that me headbang. i want to see bands that when i first hear them, i get shivers up the back of my neck. i don't want to listen to background music. i want to listen to music that leaves me with no decision but to cut loose and enjoy myself. every fucker that has come drinking with me and morbid will tell you what we like doing. drinking and listening to good fuckin metal. lifes too short to listen to crap.

i don't like watching bands i don't like. or at least haven't heard before.

and if anybody says im just being a cunt because we didn't get on. GET FUCKED, we knew weren't going to be on the bill back in june when we supported alchemist in sydney.

i say all this and i still go to gigs, cause i know i'll go there and see some band i don't know at all, have a drink with mates and have a good time. or i'll go there, not enjoy myself, get really drunk have a good time and bitch like this again, that they're aren't many bands that i want to see. and people will call me names cause i've got different musical tastes than them and the current aus music scene doesn't cater to me.

this is roughly spell checked but i didn't really read it through again. point out my errors so i can correct any misunderstandments.
Excellent points Goreripper , not much else really needs to be said. Look foward to sinking a lager or two with you .

Lunchbox, Happy Birthday .

You are not a fan of black,death,grind,melodic death, that really only leaves glam , nu , power or thrash, which one is it ?

You still didn't state what bands you would like to see on the bill .

I agree with not likeing to watch bands I dislike but I find it strange that you don't like seeing bands you have not heard before .

One last thing , I totally disagree with you about Alchemist , they have played some of the best live shows I've seen.
mostly thrash. i listen to some death stuff, but not much.

id rather of heard bands on cd before seeing them live. most of the time the sound is shit and id rather know what the songs sound like properly. i like watching bands perform, not really moshing and shit. so i can steal ideas and shit for myself.

most of the bands id like to see play, are local sydney bands, but don't really deserve to be there yet. as i said there's not many bands in australia that interest me greatly. dungeon and infernal are bands that ill definately see. hopefully they'll be bands that entertain me there but im not bothered. i like drinking. i expect there to be bands that i'll kind of like.
The Pimp doesn't really care who's playing M4TB. The Pimp really watches the bands anyway. Just catch a couple of songs of most bands that seem interesting, watch a few complete sets of bands that always put on a good show and then spend the rest of the time catching up with people and generally causing chaos -that is what The Pimp does. More fun than actually standing around and watching ever band playing. That and it's also fun to make fun of people walking by.
I's look forward with ctching up with people I's haven't seen in a while, some since the last M4TB.
No matter what, it should be fun on other levels than the music.
Look forward to seeing most of ya'll there in December.
The Pimp NeonBlack
yeah descend i think you're bands pretty good,
but before you start giving the aussie metal scene shit - how bout you try n come up with a sound that isn't old and done many times before
its pretty fuckn hard - and aussie bands are actually pretty fucking good if you think about it
sure - its a matter of opinion - but fuck descend are definately not anything special so go work on that for a while....
yeah fair enough, not saying we are dude.

we play thrash. sound is what it is, it'll never be the same all the time. we've got shit to iron out. and we are trying to find a sound that is our own, which is mostly happening next weekend, we are beginning experimentation with home pc recordings next weekend, so be patient.

as you said its my opinion. im not saying that the bands are shit, just not enough that appeal to me at the moment, my tastes change every now and then.

would you rather us be playing the trendy stuff at the moment?
Heya Goreripper, how are you :)
Why do you find it interesting that we are at MFTB ?
I cant wait to play metal for the brain , its been a dream of mine to play there for years :)
Take care and stay safe........Chris ( Vanishing Point )

Goreripper said:
I find it interesting that Vanishing Point are there. I'd also like to ask those of you who are saying stuff like "Oh... there's no bands on I like...": Who WOULD you like to see then? Lunchbox, weren't you the guy who said "I didn't think much of Soilwork, spent the whole gig at the bar..." You're a hard bastard to impress, aren't you?
:hotjump: :hotjump:
Heya Goreripper , how are you ,
Dont worry man, no offence taken here and I know that no offence was directed anyways , it is interesting in a way that we are playing this year , but honestly we could not pass this up because for mnay of us in the band it has always been a dream to play at MFTB.
It has been a weird year for us recording wise , we really wanted to get album number three finished before we played live again , yet because the recording studio is booked out and we are only now getting the vacant days , we are working like crazy to get it done.
Nevertheless , I'm looking forward to the gig and to checking out all the awesome bands that are playing as well, I had spoken to you on the phone ages ago for an interview , but havent met you in person , so it will be a good chance to catch up for a beer or three as well heh heh :)
Cheers man, keep up the good work with the site :)
Take care and stay safe ............Chris Porcianko ( Vanishing Point )

Goreripper said:
Oh no offense meant Chris. It's good to see that you are there, but I wasn't expecting you to hit the stage again until sometime next year. Perhaps I should have said that it was a surprise, more than interesting!
:hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: